  • 學位論文


A Resarch of National Search and Rescue Operational System in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林利國


全球氣候劇烈變遷,可預見未來與救災相關之公部門皆將面臨更嚴峻的天災及危機應變的挑戰。行政院為強化救難機制,統籌、調度國內各搜救單位資源,聯繫、協調國外搜救單位,迅速執行災害事故人命搜救及緊急救護運送任務,於89年7月24日即成立行政院國家搜救指揮中心(以下簡稱國搜中心),負責統籌搜救資源,執行各項緊急人命搜救及重大災害之救援任務。救災首重人命救援,搜救效率又攸關政府跨部門運作整合效能,為因應快速遽變的複合性大規模災害類型,政府除應檢討國搜中心現行編組、建構高效能的搜救機制、補強合理的搜救能量,亦需善盡國際公約所要求之人道救援義務。 本研究係以文獻探討法、專家訪談法、法規比較研議法及個案研究法為研究方法,經探討國際公約規範、各國搜救中心組織、國搜中心運作現況、空中救援機制等,再檢視我國海空搜救運作機制、防救災體系與國搜中心間既存問題,藉由法規面、實務面及專家訪談的分析,提出具體之結論與建議。 研究結果顯示,國搜中心之運作已具整合救援效能,應予組織化以利國家搜救體系長遠發展;海巡署協調官應落實海事專業能力;應建立兩岸間搜救協調直接聯繫機制;建置搜救專用之整合資訊系統;持續善用空中優勢及補強海空搜救資源。


Due to the severe global climate change, it is predictable that all the public department related to disaster management will face ordeals in nature disaster manipulation and crises responses. For the purposes of strengthening SAR mechanism, coordinating foreign SAR resources, conducting SAR operation and enhancing emergency transfer efficiently, in 24th July 2000, Taipei Rescue Command Center (RCC Taipei) was established by the Executive Yuan, Taiwan. The first priority of disaster response is life saving, search and rescue (SAR) efficiency depends on the integration of multi-department potency in the government. For responding complex large-scale disaster, the government has to build up high efficiency SAR mechanism, make up for reasonable SAR resources and correspond to the demands of International Conventions in global life saving. In the study, we reviewed papers, interviewed specialists, compared legislations, and probed into the International Conventions, circumstances of other RCCs, the existing operating condition and aeronautical rescue mechanisms, with the analysis of legislation and actuality, we proposed concrete results and suggestions. In the results, the SAR operation module of RCC Taipei already possessed integrating function, for the long-tern development of SAR mission in Taiwan, RCC Taipei should be a officially systematical unit. For the Coast Guard, the coordinators in RCC Taipei should be maritime specialists. Besides, RCCs between the Taiwan Strait should coordinate with each other directly, and we should set-up exclusive SAR information integrating system, utilize the aeronautical superiority to support maritime SAR resources.


[28] 陳以鋒,反恐與災害防救體系整合之研究,國立台北科技大學土木與防災研究所碩士論文,台北,2009。
[35] Admiralty List of Radio Signals, Global Maritime Distress And Safety System(GMDSS),2010。
[36] International Maritime Organization(1992).The International Convention for thr Safety of Life at sea(SOLAS),1974。
[37] International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue Manual I,II,III 1998。
