  • 學位論文


Energy Saving for Air-Cooled Chiller Using Hydrocarbon Refrigerant

指導教授 : 張永宗


目前使用R-22冷媒的舊型機器面臨冷媒汰換的問題,本研究以R-290冷媒汰換氣冷式冰水主機原本使用的R-22冷媒,比較前後兩者的性能係數,評估其節能效率。   本實驗分別收集冰水主機使用R-290及R-22冷媒,在春末夏初時的運轉數據,以R-290冷媒的運轉數據建立類神經網路模型,接著利用專利方法篩選重疊範圍內的數據,再將R-22冷媒的運轉數據代入建立好的模型,求出模擬值,比較性能係數提升的多寡。本研究建立的類神經網路模型R2值高達0.9806,建模的平均誤差為0.19%。   由近年來的研究結果得知碳氫冷媒汰換既有冷凍機組能提升性能效益。本研究使用R-22冷媒的C.O.P平均為1.9845,耗電量平均為1.4418,使用R-290冷媒的C.O.P平均為2.4977,耗電量平均為1.1436,總耗電量節省20.63%。舊冰水主機以碳氫冷媒替換,冷媒充填量降低,耗功降低,不僅可使設備壽命延長,還可使性能提升。


Due to the environmental damage caused by HCFC and HFC refrigerants, big interest of environmentally friendly refrigerants is increasingly popular. According to the Montreal Protocol, the old chillers which use R-22 will be forbidden. This study substitutes R-290 for the R-22 commonly used in the chiller. Finally, compare both power consumption for the energy saving evaluation.   Gather air-cooled chiller operating data in spring and early summer with different refrigerants, R-290 and R-22. First, establish a model with R-290 by back-propagation neural network, and replace the R-290 data with R-22 data. Second, select desired value by the patented process. At last, we could obtain the simulation data, and then compare the C.O.P and computed the energy saving. The model R2 is 0.9806, and the average error of the model is 0.19%.   Recent studies show that replacing hydrocarbon refrigerant with existing units could improve C.O.P. The results show that the average C.O.P and power consumption are 1.9845 and 1.4418 for R-22, 2.4977 and 1.1436 for R-290, respectively. Average energy saving is 20.63%. Generally, original refrigerant such as R-22 replaced by hydrocarbon could reduce filling quantity and power consumption. It could extend equipment life and improve the C.O.P.


[1]U.S. energy information administration (EIA), International Energy Outlook 2013, http://www.eia.gov/forecasts/ieo/more_highlights.cfm.
[3]Australian Government Department of the Environment, Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, http://www.environment.gov.au/topics/environment-protection/ozone/montreal-protocol.
