  • 學位論文


Optimal Torque Distribution Control of Electric Vehicle with Four Direct Driven Wheel Motors

指導教授 : 陳柏全




The electric vehicle driven with four wheel motors is an over actuated system. In order to maintain the maneuverability and stability, a gain scheduled linear quadratic regulator is used to design the electric stability control system to generate the reference yaw moment command based on the linear two degree-of-freedom bicycle model. Control allocation is used to distribute the desired reference longitudinal tire forces according to the yaw moment commend while satisfying the driver’s need for acceleration and deceleration. The associated weighting matrix is designed using the work load ratio at each wheel to prevent saturating the tire. The reference tire slip corresponding to the reference longitudinal tire forces can be obtained using friction similarity, combined slip tire model, and road friction coefficient estimator. The phase lead-lag control is used to design slip ratio control with feedforward compensator to obtain the optimal traction/braking torque at each wheel. Simulation result shows that the proposed algorithm can achieve yaw rate following and side-slip angle limitation when necessary. In addition, it can avoid speed reduction while maintaining the maneuverability and stability during cornering. Thus enhance the ESC performance effectively for the test maneuvers.


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