  • 學位論文

醫療院所從業人員安全衛生認知與執行現況探討 -以某一公立醫院為例

Recognition and Practice of Occupational Safety among Healthcare Workers - An Example of A Public Hospital

指導教授 : 郭乃文


本研究目的是要探討醫療院所內醫療從業人員對院內安全認知之影響及現況,了解因員工特性造成之安全認知差異,並探討管理者與一般醫療從業人員分別對超時工作、輪班、及生物管理、化學與物理性危害管理、危害性藥物使用防護情形之差異影響,以期作為醫院推動安全管理之規劃參考依據。 文中是以北部某公立醫院之各醫療從業人員作為研究對象,探討醫院員工安全認知影響因素之關係。以修訂之「醫院員工安全認知」結構性問卷,按人數比例隨機抽樣,調查樣本共250份,有效樣本數為172例,問卷回收率為67%。 重要結果摘述如下: 人口學特性對員工安全認知的影響分析,除工作類別對參與教育訓練種類及面對潛在危害種類無顯著差異外、對於生物性危害管理、化學與物理性危害管理、健康管理、危害性藥物使用防護情形等四大構面而言,除了職業類別、工作類別、教育程度有顯著差異外,其餘性別、本院工作年資、執照資歷、工作型態、工作時數沒有顯著差異。 本研究建議: 為確保優良與安全的工作環境,面對日益嚴重化、複雜化的職業安全衛生問題。醫療機構之管理核心在建立決策依據時,必須就機構內安全預防、安全危害辨認,安全評估以及安全控制等各個方向,作全方位整體性安全文化之分析規劃;針對各部門及員工間提供不同教育訓練並有良好溝通管道,除可保障醫療從業人員們的基本生命安全,進而建構健康的職場,來留住人才,提昇整體醫療品質。


To enhance occupational safety, safety recognition and safety practice are very important and essential to healthcare employees and managerial personnel working in a hospital.Safety recognition are often varied by employee personality and conception, and safety practice is keen to be ignored or affected under certain conditions such as working in shifts, working overtime, handling bio-, chemical-, and physical-hazards, practicing protective procedures for harmful drug use.Several common factors on whether they would affect safety practices and safety recognition are examined in this study.The findings could be good references to hospital administration when planning on safety management strategy and decision making in the future. A random sampling of 250 employees, which were distributed evenly among hospital employees, was taken at a public hospital.The recovery rate is 67%, yielding 172 responses.The questionnaire used in this study, revised from a copy of constructed “hospital employee safety cognition” questionnaire, is designed to explore any relationships among common demographic characteristics that affect safety recognition. With the analysis on demographic characteristics, under the categories of bio-hazards, management of chemical and physical hazards management, health management, practicing of protective procedures for harmful drug use, only position level, job type and education level are found to be significantly influential to safety recognition while gender, employment seniority, professional certificate, job type and working hours are not. To sustain a safe working environment, this study suggests that the managerial personnel in healthcare organization should regularly perform comprehensive evaluations on hazard prevention, safety recognition, safety assessment and safety control.Furthermore, interdepartmental and person-to-person communications, safety training and education are both important and should be routinely held to meet fundamental requirements for employee safety.By developing a better decision making strategy in related occupation safety issues and providing a friendly and safe environment, hospital administration is expected to maintain a good reputation in safety practice and attract healthcare professionals of good quality to work with.


林芳杰、郭許達、陳培然 (2003) 。加護病房護理人員有較高的呼吸道症狀。胸腔醫學, 18(4),315-321。
