  • 學位論文


The Relationships among Self-care Behavior ,Hope,and Social Support in Awanting Heart Transplantation Patients

指導教授 : 鄭綺


論文摘要 論文名稱:等待心臟移植患者自我照顧行為、希望、社會支持之相關性探討 臺北醫學大學護理學研究所 研究生姓名:王麗雲 畢業時間:90年第二學期 指導教授:鄭綺 臺北醫學大學護理學研究所 副教授 本研究之目的在了解等待心臟移植患者自我照顧行為、希望、社會支持情形,並探討其相關性。本研究為橫斷式描述相關研究,採立意取樣方式,以執行心臟移植之醫院,且已經列入等待心臟移植名單之患者為研究對象,共獲得有效樣本45位。利用結構式問卷進行資料的收集,採用研究工具包括基本資料、自我照顧行為量表、希望量表、社會支持量表,量表經過內在一致性與專家效度檢定。所得資料以百分比、平均值、標準差、t 檢定、單因子變異分析、皮爾森基差相關、逐步迴歸進行統計分析。 研究結果如下(一)等待心臟移植患者自我照顧行為中上等程度,以活動執行 ( 3.18 ) 最好,自我監測 ( 2.84 ) 最差。(二)等待心臟移植患者希望為中上等程度,以相互關聯 ( 3.12 ) 最高、目前與未來感受 ( 2.97 ) 得分最低。(三)等待心臟移植患者社會支持為中上等程度,以情感性支持 (3.17) 最高,而評價性支持 ( 2.97 ) 最低。家人為最主要支持來源,醫療人員主要提供訊息性支持(四)自我照顧行為與希望( r=.34, p=.024 )、社會支持( r=.54,p<.0001 )、希望與社會支持( r=.52,p<.0001 )三者成正相關。其中評價性支持與自我照顧行為成正相關,訊息性支持與希望成正相關。(五)基本屬性中女性在實質性支持顯著高於男性,有配偶者在服藥行為與情感性支持顯著高於無配偶者,有宗教信仰者希望顯著高於無宗教信仰者,經濟自給者在服藥行為、飲食控制、目前與未來感受顯著高於經濟來自他人支助者,有職業者希望程度顯著高於無職業者,在疾病特性方面自覺健康狀況好者希望程度高於自覺健康尚可與差者。(六)整體自我照顧行為預測因子為社會支持,可解釋變異量為29.4%。整體希望預測因子為社會支持、教育程度、健康狀態、宗教信仰、婚姻,其可解釋變異量為60.4%。 本研究結果,可協助護理人員了解等待心臟移植患者之自我照顧行為、希望、社會支持情形並提供擬定介入性護理措施之參考。 關鍵詞:等待心臟移植患者、自我照顧行為、希望、社會支持。


Abstract Title of thesis: The Relationships among Self-care Behavior, Hope, and Social Support in Awaiting Heart Transplantation Patients. Institution: Graduate Institute of Nursing, Taipei Medical University. Author: Li Yun Wang Thesis directed by: Chii Jeng, DNSc., RN, Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Nursing, Taipei Medical University. The purpose of the study was to examine the relationships among self-care behavior, hope, and social support in awaiting heart transplantation patients. This study is a cross-sectional study. There are 45 subjects were obtained from a list of qualified patients who are awaiting heart transplantation in major medical centers by using purposive sampling . Structured questionnaires were administered as mean of data collection, and three instruments in use included Self-care Behavior Scale, Herth Hope Index, and Social Support Scale. A t test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation, and multiple regression with stepwise procedure were used for data analysis. The results of this study were as follows: (1) The self-care behavior of waiting heart transplantation patients was moderate-strong including the best one, daily activity control (M=3.18), and the worst one, self-administration (M=2.84). (2) The waiting heart transplantation patients’ hope was moderate-strong including the highest one, interconnectedness with self and others (M=3.12), and the lowest one, inner sense of temporality and future (M=2.97). (3) The social support of waiting heart transplantation patients was also moderate-strong including the strongest one, emotional support (M=3.17), and the weakest one, appraisal support (M=2.97). The major source of support comes from family so as to informational support from medical cares. (4) The correlation between self-care behavior and hope (r=.34, p=.024), social support (r=.54, p<.001), and between hope plus social support (r=.52, p<.001) were significantly positive as well as between appraisal support and self-care behavior and between informational support and hope. (5) The essence support obtained in female was higher than male was. Taking medicine and emotional support in subjects with spouse are stronger than subjects without spouse. Hope form people who have faith be significantly more powerful than it from whom having non-religious belief does. Viewing inner sense of temporality and future, people who have economic self-sufficient to take medicines and diet control are more willing than people who have not economic independent are. Out of job people who have less hope than people who have occupied. Hope from people who are aware of good health condition is stronger than people who are conscious of fair well or bad physical situation. (6) The predictor of self-care behavior is social support and the explainable total variance was 29.4%. The predictor of hope is social support, education level, health condition, religious belief, and marriage status and the explainable total variance was 60.4%. The finding of this study could help clinical nurses to realize the relationships among self-care behavior, hope, and social support in awaiting heart transplantation patients and provide a reference of intervention cares. Key words:Waiting heart transplantation patients, self-care behavior, hope, social support.


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