  • 學位論文


The Gap between Needs and Accesses to Social Welfare Resources:Family Caregiver’s Burden, Demand and Difficulty to Access Social Resource for Dementia Patients

指導教授 : 高美英


本研究並用建構問卷之量化研究方式與深入訪談之質化研究方式,研究失智症病患之家庭照顧者之照顧負荷與尋求社會福利的困難,計取得問卷有效樣本51名,其中照顧者以女性為主,關係以媳婦為最多。 樣本群主要以中重度失智患者為主,本研究分析結論顯示:當患者罹患失智症越久、照顧者照顧時間越長、照顧者每天花費於照顧患者的時間越多、患者之日常生活功能越差、患者之行為情緒問題越嚴重時,則照顧者之照顧負荷將越重。 在正式服務使用方面,樣本中大多數的照顧者從未使用過正式服務,顯示照顧者之社會福利服務使用頻率仍然偏低;在正式服務的需求方面,發現照顧者之正式服務需求以喘息服務最高、次者為居家服務與失智症諮詢,顯示照顧者的照顧過程中對正式服務的需求以協助分擔照顧工作、失智症相關資訊與福利服務諮詢為主。 就質性訪談內容而言,有效訪談對象計9名,結果顯現出失智症患者之家庭照顧者在照顧過程中所面臨的各種深刻焦慮、緊張、壓力、情感上的交雜、角色衝突…等照顧負荷的情形與感受的描述與分析;另外,在正式服務輸送的近便性與可得性方面,社會文化因素對於正式服務使用的影響、社會資源分配之不當與不足、資訊不足…等,都導致正式服務資源傳遞上之不便而形成照顧者在使用與申請上的不利。 關鍵字:失智症、長期照顧、照顧負荷、家庭照顧者


Abstract Both quantitative and qualitative research methods were employed in this study to understand family caregiver’s burden, demands and difficulties to access social resource for dementia patients. 51 caregivers were surveyed by a structured questionnaire and 9 caregivers were interviewed through in-depth interview. Among the samples, the most of the caregivers are daughter-in —law. The syndrome of the most dementia patients from this study are inter-mediate level .The result of this study shows that the longer period patients got dementia and the more time caregivers have spent for caring patients, and the worse ADL, deviant behaviors and emotions of patients, the havier burden the caregivers would get. Another finding of this study is that almost all caregivers have never used formal services, the most caregivers said they wish to have those services, for example, short-tern care, dementia information and welfare consultation to decrease caregivers’ caring burden. The analysis of qualitative data indicate the anxiety, nervousness、pressure、complicated affection about loved ones、role conflicts of the caregivers. Because of the influences of traditional norms about Chinese family, unequal distribution of the social resources between urban and rural areas, and lack of related information, it is very inconvenient for caregivers to apply and utilize formal service and resources for social welfare. Key Word: Dementia, Long-tern care, Caring burden, Family caregivers


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