  • 學位論文


Design of Computer-aided visualized outpatient clinic system

指導教授 : 蔣以仁


現階段有關病患病歷作業多著重在電子資料交換技術上,但確忽略現行病歷資料呈現的方式,雖然透過門診醫囑系統能詳實記錄病患的疾病歷史等相關疾病資訊,但醫師仍需瀏覽或閱讀病患每次每一筆的就醫記錄,且病患身兼多種疾病,診斷記錄上的不連續性,醫師較難完整流覽病人的過去疾病情況,也可能造成醫師忽略掉一些病患資訊,影響醫療過程的判斷。 如果能透過一個視覺化的表現方式,利用適當的視覺化和導引技巧來表現和流覽病患的疾病歷史,將病患的疾病歷史以連續性的資料方式呈現,讓醫師於同一畫面中很快速的導覽病患過去的疾病歷史相關資料,組織病患疾病資訊,利用顏色、圖形來表現疾病的關聯,協助醫師於臨床診斷及治療。 本研究著重在利用視覺化的方法及資訊工具做視覺化之醫師看診輔助系統設計,修改原有門診醫囑系統之病歷查詢畫面,導入適當之視覺化和導引技巧來表現和流覽病患的疾病歷史,利用資訊工具協助臨床醫師處方開立作業,在醫師下診斷時適時提供過去相關診斷下之處方資訊,如處置項目、用量、百分比等,以輔助醫師處方開立作業。


Current systems usually put more emphasis on actual data display and electronic data exchanges, while less on how the data is presented to the outpatient doctor. Doctors need to browse through multiples pages of historical data to assimilate pertinent information and to make intelligent diagnosis. This process usually requires intense care in order not to miss anything important. We believe if data could be presented in a visual way, utilizing visualization and indexing techniques to present patients’ past medical treatments history in a time line, organizing the patient’s data and showing their relationship via colors and shapes, this should assist doctors greatly in making better diagnosis with better information presented. This research project uses Data Type Taxonomy for Information Visualizations, modifying standard outpatient clinical information system, introducing additional information in a visual way, such as medication type, dosage and proportions, so that physicians could make better judgment when issuing proper treatments for the patient.


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