  • 學位論文


Look into the Mirror : The body Image and Associated Factors of Patients Seeking Cosmetic Dermatology Service

指導教授 : 高美英


鏡子是用來檢視自己真實外表的工具,但人們傾向相信美貌的優勢,而容貌的刻板印象也衝擊個體造成自我概念的衝突。故此,舉凡身高、體重、膚色、毛髮,甚至眼睛顏色等,都成了急待改善的目標,此時,鏡中的自己究竟是真實的自己,亦或是只是想符合社會標準的自己。 近十年來,無論國內外社會整型美容風盛行,接受醫學美容者更如過江之鯽,對此一現象,本研究想了解熱衷改善身體外表的皮膚醫學美容病患其身體意象究竟為何?以及影響其身體意象的相關因素?因為「身體意象」(Body Image)是自我概念的一部份,它能反應出個體對自己身體的認知和態度,然而身體意象的形成並非一朝一夕,也無法不受外界環境或他人影響。所以,個體建構出來的自我身體意象其實已融合了他/她對身體外表的自我態度(自信心、外表自我評價、自覺身體重要性、自我差異性、外表傾向)和外界給予他/她的身體刺激(社會比較、身體基模)。 本研究以問卷調查方式進行,此次參與研究的台北縣/市醫院之皮膚醫學美容病患共計303人,其中男性25人、女性273人、年齡介於17~69歲。調查結果顯示,當皮膚醫學美容病患對身體外表的注重程度偏高時,則越在乎身體形象,同時也就越難滿意自己(身體意象低)。反之,自信心和自我評價越高的人或外表自我差異性小的人,反而較不在乎外表也較不受社會比較影響,當然其身體意象也會偏高。此外,雖然多數皮膚醫學美容病患對自己外表的評價偏高且對自我身體的態度也相當正向(身體意象偏高),但大部份患者仍對外表相當重視(外表傾向強烈),希望藉由醫學美容能讓外表狀態看起來「更好」,然而因外貌標準的提高而造成自我外表差異性也隨之增大。研究者或可藉此了解病患對身體外表的心態,從病患角度出發去塑造社會大眾對自我身體較正向的看法,這有助於降低「身體意象不良」(Body Image dissatisfaction)的精神疾患或病態整型風潮。除此之外,醫者若能深刻體認皮膚醫學美容病患的身體意象和其相關影響因素,則能挹注人文關懷於患者身上,也能減緩醫病落差及病患不切實際的外表期望。


Mirror is the tool to check our real appearance but people tend to believe the advantage of beauty. The general values about appearance also conflict with the self concept. Such as the height, weight, skin colors, hair or eye colors are all the targets to change. Is the person in the mirror the real self or just the person who wants to match the social standard? Recently medical cosmetic procedures are very popular with the society, a large amount people took the medical cosmetic treatment. About the phenomenon, this research focuses on the body image of the patients of the cosmetic dermatology service, and the factors which affect the body image.Body image is the part of self concept and it can reflect one’s attitude and concept toward one’s body. However, the process of forming can’t be done in short time and without the influence of environment and others. So, the body image includes the self attitude (self-esteem、 appearance self-evaluation、 self-consciousness about the importance of body、self discrepancy、appearance orientation ) and the irritation for body form society( social comparison、 body schema ). This research method is questionnaire, and the sample is the patients form Medical Cosmetic Treatment Hospitals in Taipei City and Taipei County. The total number is 303 people including 25 female and 273 female and the range is between 17 to 69 years old. The result indicated that the more the patients care the appearance, the more they care their body image and at the same time they have difficulties satisfying themselves ( the low body image) .On the contrary, the higher people’s confidence and self evaluation are or the smaller people’s appearance self-discrepancy are, the less they care about the appearance and are affected by the society comparison and the higher their body images are. Besides, most patients have positive attitude toward their bodies and high appearance self-evaluation(high body image), they still care the appearance very much ( strong appearance tendency). Through the medical cosmetic treatment, they want to make the appearance look “better”.However, the self-appearance differences are enlarged by the higher appearance standard. The researcher may be able to form more positive viewpoint toward self bodies of the public by understanding the patients’ attitude toward the appearance. This can help to lower the sick anaplasty trend and the psycho’s “Body Image Dissatisfaction” If the healers could realize the patients’ body image and concerned factors deeply, they could give the humane concern to the patients and could lessen the gap between the patients’ impractical toward the appearance and the result of anaplasty.


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