  • 學位論文


To compare on the requirement of nursing competence between public health nurse’s and citizen viewpoint - A case of Taipei city

指導教授 : 林秋芬


本研究旨在了解公衛護士與民眾對公衛護士護理能力需求之看法並比較其需求之差異,同時進一步分析公衛護士與民眾之基本屬性對護理能力需求看法之相關性。採橫斷式研究設計,對象為全臺北巿的公衛護士,以及依隨機抽樣所抽取之臺北巿12個區內之24個里的里長、鄰長,問卷收發期間為99年9月17日至99年11月9日,共發出問卷731(公衛護士195,民眾536)份,回收問卷582份,回收率79.62%,有效樣本564(公衛護士187,民眾377)份,有效回收率77.15%。研究工具採自擬之「公共衛生護士護理能力需求調查表」,本量表經信效度檢定後完成。效度採專家效度,信度採內在一致性檢測,Cronbach’s值為.96。以SPSS for Windows 16.0統計軟體進行資料分析。   本研究結果:1.公衛護士對公衛護士各類護理能力需求的平均值為3.34(SD=.39)(介於需要到非常需要之間),認為公衛護士對七大類護理能力前三位的需求依序為:溝通卅人際關係(M=3.49,SD=.49)、教學(M=3.38,SD=.50)、照護(M=3.36,SD=.42),且公衛護士認為公衛護士對各項護理能力的需求,其平均得分介於3.09∼3.55,每一項的平均值皆高於3。2.民眾對公衛護士各類護理能力需求的平均值為3.18(SD=.38),認為公衛護士對七大類護理能力前三位的需求依序為:溝通卅人際關係(M=3.28,SD=.45)、照護(M=3.27,SD=.40)、社區健康管理(M=3.15,SD=.42),且民眾認為公衛護士對各項護理能力的需求,其平均得分介於2.89∼3.46。3.公衛護士對各類護理能力需求之看法明顯高於民眾的看法,7大類護理能力中,有6大類呈現統計學上的顯著差異;公衛護士與民眾對公衛護士各項護理能力需求之看法,53項中有36項在統計學上呈現顯著差異。4.基本屬性中,公衛護士之公衛護理工作年資與其對照護(r=-.15,p=.047)、教學(r=-.19,p=.01)等需求之看法達統計學上的顯著差異;民眾居住之行政區對各類之護理能力需求的看法皆呈現統計學上的顯著差異。   本研究結果將可提供公衛護士及有意願加入公衛護士者作為自我補強的依據、亦可提供公衛護士及衛生主管機關了解民眾所需求的護理能力,以便提供符合民眾需求的護理服務。未來的研究可以進一步探討公衛護士自評能力與期望能力之間有無落差存在,更可針對實際能力較差的能力項目執行介入措施,再進一步比較介入措施之前、後有無差異。


Objective: The purpose of this study was to understand the requirement of nursing competence between public health nurses’ and citizen’s viewpoint and compares difference between their requirement, while further analyzes of attribute of the public health nurses (PHNs) and the citizen of their respective with the requirement of nursing competence of PHNs for perceptions of relevance. Methods: A cross-sectional research design was adopted to collect data, object were entire Taipei city's PHNs, and obtained by random sampling of the 24 subdivision of the district of Taipei city of representative of local citizens. From September 17, 2010 to November 9, 2010, a total of 731 questionnaires (195 public health nurses, 536 citizen) were send, 582 questionnaires were returned, the return rate 79.62%, effective sample 564 (187 public health nurses, 377 citizen), the effective rate 77.15 %. Research tool to be of "The requirement of nursing competence of public health nurse survey form" the scale by the reliability and validity to complete. Content validity by experts validity. Reliability was used internal consistency. Cronbach α is .96. Used SPSS for Windows 16.0 statistical software for data analysis. Results: 1.The various categories of nursing competence requirement average score 3.34 (SD =. 39) (between the need to strongly needed) in PHNs’viewpoint. The top three order of nursing competence requirement as: communication / interpersonal (M = 3.49, SD =. 49), education (M = 3.38, SD =. 50), caring (M = 3.36, SD =. 42), and average score from 3.09 ~ 3.55 in all nursing competence requirement item, each mean value is higher than 3. 2.The various categories of nursing competence requirement average score 3.18(SD=.38)in citizen’s viewpoint. The top three order of nursing competence requirement as: communication / interpersonal (M = 3.28, SD =. 45), caring (M = 3.27, SD =. 40), Community Health Management (M = 3.15, SD =. 42), and average score from 2.89∼3.46 in all nursing competence requirement item. 3.PHNs’nursing competence requirement of various viewpoints was significantly higher than citizen’s, nursing competencies 7 categories, 6 categories showed statistically significant differences. PHNs’and the citizen’s on the nursing competence requirement of PHN of the views of 53 item in 36 showed a statistically significant difference. 4.The attribute, work period of public health nursing service and their caring (r =-. 15, p =. 047), education (r =-. 19, p =. 01) nursing competence requirement of the views of PHNs’was significant; citizen’s viewpoints in nursing competence requirement of various district are presented statistically significant differences. The results will provide PHNs and a willing who joined as a PHNs for self-reinforcement, can also provide PHNs and public health authorities to understand the requirement of the nursing competence to meet the needs of the citizen. Future research could explore the competence of public health nurses self-assessment whether the gap exists between the expectations of competence, can also implementation intervention of the project for the practical the less competence, further comparison the differences of intervention before and after.




