  • 學位論文


A Research On The Cross Enterprise Operating Boundary issue

指導教授 : 王秉鈞


在台灣經濟結構中的扮演著重要支柱流的流通產業,為了確保競爭力,除了全力導入新商品、開發新服務之外,更從第一線人員的服務態度來建立客戶服務的口碑,除此之外,更延伸至企業的社會責任,為的是建立流通企業的品牌形象。 在流通業的多年經驗下,了解到流通企業在達到一定的市場佔有率及一定的經濟規模下,流通企業在多元化的選項中,除了垂直面的整合外,亦可思考屬於水平面的營運疆域重劃的策略。 經由相關文獻的探討,並深入了解企業在營運疆域重劃時所面臨的風險及相關營運資料的蒐集後,透過風險管理議題探討、成本分析、彙集整理及再確認的方法以得悉研究結果,並對本研究個案提出五項研究前提及一項研究期望:「針對個案研究出一套流通企業跨疆域的建議方法或制度」來加以驗證。 主要獲得的研究結果為:流通企業在思考營運疆域重劃至資訊服務業時,風險評估的結果及成本分析等因素將會與是否執行此策略有著顯著的關係;另外,流通企業跨疆域時的知識移轉及適應性、流通業的未來發展及營運疆域重劃後的組織綜效評估等,也都與跨疆域策略的成敗有密切的相關。 本研究探討流通企業在達到一定的經濟規模下,對於營運疆域重劃的評估方法及相關議題,透過本研究之過程與結果,得到以下之研究貢獻: 『流通企業營運疆域重劃至資訊服務業在成本計算及評估上之參考模式』 藉由本研究結果,提供給流通企業在面臨市場的高度競爭及市場飽和的情形下,擴展企業版圖,進行跨企業營運疆域策略時的參考建議。


Retail industry in Taiwan economic structure's acting was as major pillar, to guarantee that the enterprise in the industrial competition. besides launch the new commodity, to develop the new service, from the first line personnel's service attitude establishes a good impression of the customer service, and most importance to extend enterprise's society responsibility, what for establishes the retail enterprise's brand equity. Under retail industry many year experiences, understood the retail enterprise in achieves certain market share and certain economical scale, that the retail enterprise in the numerous option, as well the vertical industry integration, may also contemplate the horizontal integration of cross business field strategy. By way of related literature discussion, and inquire deeply enterprise after cross area faces risk, and related business material collection by the risk management subject discussion, and the cost analysis. and research case proposed that five research suppositions and a research expected: comes “in view of a case study set of retail enterprise cross area's suggestion methodology or system” to proving. This research discussion retail enterprise in achieves under certain economical scale, regarding appraisal method and the related subject of the cross business area strategies, obtains the research contribution: 「from the retail enterprise cross field to the information technology service industry based on the cost calculation and the appraisal module」. Through these findings, provides for the retail enterprise in faces the high competition and the saturation market condition, to give suggestion for reference.


流通業 知識移轉 資訊委外 組識綜效 疆域重劃


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