  • 學位論文


A Study of Market Analysis and Marketing Strategy on Mobile Service in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李 弘 暉 博士 林 向 杰 博士


民國八十六年十二月,行動電話市場正式開放給民間業者經營,這是我國電信史上的頭條大事。開放至今四年以來,市場經過五度費率調降,二度市場整合,二度盟主易位,及無數次的行銷出擊,競爭激烈世所罕見,而台灣也榮獲全世界行動電話普及率排名第一的國家。 本論文以我國行動電話市場的發展與競爭作為研究範圍,冀望以客觀而有系統的方法,撰寫一篇市場研究的論文;並分析各業者的行銷策略,藉此印證行銷的相關理論、學習市場的實戰經驗,以提供其他產業競爭者之借鏡;同時也希望能夠提供後續研究者及有興趣的讀者,一窺我國行動電話市場的堂奧。 本論文之研究方法是採用社會科學研究方法中的「事後回溯法」來進行,先透過蒐集並整理相關資料,來分析我國行動電話市場的競爭與發展,再進一步比較與分析各業者的行銷策略,同時也探討各業者同業結盟、異業結盟、市場區隔、創新價值與攻擊、防衛等各種行銷作為。 本論文之研究結果發現:(1)國營中華電信公司初期由於缺乏企業經營及市場行銷經驗,導致市場佔有率快速流失,雖然四度降價仍然無法挽回市場佔有率的下降。(2)各民營業者於市場開放初期即導入靈活的行銷手法,推出五花八門的促銷活動,創造出驚人的業績,使台灣的行動電信市場邁向史無前例的繁榮景象,民營業者的貢獻實功不可沒。(3)民營業者當中以台灣大哥大公司表現最為優異,無論是在經營速度、產品創新、費率策略、廣告策劃、通路開拓、策略聯盟、市場區隔與攻擊防守等各方面的行銷作為,皆有一馬當先之勢,其市場佔有率也一路領先所有民營業者。(4)持全區執照的業者,佔有先天經營優勢,而持單區執照的業者,因礙於先天之不足,為了建構雙頻的競爭優勢,業者間必需簽約結盟,形成系統業者間合縱連橫的局面。(5)泛亞在87年5月主導降價,立即有效提升市場佔有率;但中華電信後續接連主導四次費率調降,市場佔有率不升反降,推究其原因,可能歸因於政府的不對稱管制或與競爭對手的反應極為快速有關。(6)經營者的市場創新價值活動,與其經營績效呈現有正向的關係。(7)行動電話開放民營,此一政策確實創造了政府、業者及消費者三贏的局面。 最後,本論文也從(1)政府部門;(2)國營中華電信公司;(3)民營業者;及(4)消費者等四方面,分別提出相關的建議;同時也對後續研究者提出幾點後續研究方向的建議。


On December 1997, the Mobile service market was officially opened to the private sector of businessman. It was big headline news on the history of Telecommunication in Taiwan. Until now, it has been over four years! The market has passed over the story of five-times reduction in fare rates, two-times of market integration, two-times changing over the market leader, and uncountable sale’s hitting for each telecom company. The drastic competition on market is rarely seen before it ever had on earth. Nevertheless, Taiwan has obtained the name of number one in the population of cellular phone per man all over the world. In the paper, we focus on the research of market deployment of cellular phone and marketing competition. Also, we expect to write a thesis in the way of market’s research with an objective manner and a systematic methodology. Meanwhile, we analyze the sale’s strategy for individual operator to approve the related theorems of sale’s marketing. Hereby, we can learn the real experience from market competition and expect it can be applied to another industrial markets. In the meantime, it is desired to provide a primary material for step-in researchers and/or interested readers to take an eye on the secret of cellular phone marketing. In this article, we adopt the method of「back-annotation」from social scientific research to proceed, to search and to collect the related information. Then, analyze the competition and development of our cellular phone marketing. Furthermore, compare it and synthesize each individual sale’s strategy and discuss the cases of cooperation of alliance, heterogeneous alliance, market segmentation, creative niche value, attack/defense, etc for different marketing behaviors. In the sequel, the result of research shows that: (1) Governmental operation of ChungHwa Telecom Cooperation Limited primarily lost her 1st place marketing leader rapidly due to the lack of experience of enterprising manipulation and marketing saling. Although she has taken action to cut down her prices four times sequentially, however, she still can not catch up with the place of top ownership of the market share. (2) Each private sector of businessman initially took the initiative to adapt per se very bright saling strategies. Lots of promotions for products are given to create an incredible saling records. Those records let Taiwan’s cellular market go into the stage with more extraordinary brighten scenery than that it has ever had. This contribution belongs to the private sector of businessman definitely. (3) Among the private sector of businessmen, Taiwan Cellular Cooperation is the top one during the comparison of the manipulative speed, product creative capability, fare rate strategy, advertisements planning, saling channel extension, strategy alliance, market segmentation , and attack/defense, etc. hose saling activities for TCC are always keep ahead of the leading group. The ownership of marketshare is always leading ahead all of the other private sector of businessmen. (4) Taking with the whole area license of the private sector of businessman stands ahead of the good point of manipulation on marketing compared with that of the local area license’s operators. Due to the innate shortage of license coverage and the setup of dual frequencies to good operational condition, the operator’s bureaus must sign up the contract of alliance to form a new era for new cooperative teams among system operators. (5) On May 1998, the Trans-Asia Telecom cooperation predominantly cut her price down on the first edge. Then, the coverage of market share was immediately seen to be promoted abruptly. Same action to be taken for ChungHwa Telecom with even four-time cut-off her price sequentially, however, no high coverage of market share can be seen for promotion, but decreasing. Taking the most possible reasons out, it may be attributed to the governmental un-symmetric control and/or the quick or slow of reaction from competitors. (6) The market creative activities of value add for system’s operator is proportional to the credit of running a business. (7) The strategy of the open of cellular telephone to the private sector of businessman is indeed a good result with three win-win aspects of government, system operators, and consumers. Finally, this paper proposed different suggestions to individual from four aspects: (1) Governmental bureau, (2) Governmental operation of ChungHwa Telecom, (3) the private sector of businessman, (4) consumers. Meanwhile, we also give some suggestions and further directional study to the step-in researchers and interested readers.


2.古美蓮,「為了三千億,六家財團圍剿中華電信」,商業周刊,46~48 頁,1997/12/15


曾慧真(2010)。台灣地區多媒體隨選視訊(MOD)業務競爭策略形成之分析 -- 以C公司為研究對象〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2010.01344
