  • 學位論文


The Innovation in Operation Strategies of Incubator

指導教授 : 尤克強


創新育成中心為政府「發展亞太創業中心」(主要目的在建立蓬勃的創新與創業機制)計畫的執行平台。此外,長期以來,中小企業一直是台灣經濟成長與產業發展的主力;近年來,在全球化的國際競爭壓力下,中小企業正面臨研發能力不足,資訊取得不易等困難,這方面也亟需政策上加以協助突破。此外,由於政府財政困窘,對育成中心主要營運資金來源的補助款,勢必漸次限縮。是以面對政策責任的加重,育成使命的深化及營運環境的快速變動等現況及趨勢,育成中心唯有積極透過營運策略的創新與調整,才能順利達成其多元之營運目標。 本研究採用質性研究方法,運用「7S」研究架構,針對兩家育成中心進行個案研究,希望達到1.探討育成中心之經營瓶頸及改善方向2.探討育成中心有何創新性策略,可積極協助其達成使命3.探討育成中心營運模式及育成產業輔導方向。 本研究歸納、分析相關資料後,得到的主要結論與建議有: 1. 育成中心宜有效整合資源,提供企業完全育成輔導方案(Total Solution),並結合內、外部資源及實體、虛擬育成積極擴展培育之能量。 2. 育成中心宜以靈活、效率之「公司」組織營運,企業化經營,並多元延展其服務標的與服務方式。 3. 育成中心宜充實、內化本身之育成輔導能力,提升其技術與商務育成效益,並創新思維儘速建立其商業營運模式。


Innovation Incubator is the planning execution platform of “Asia-Pacific Business Start-Up Center” (which mainly aims at establishing complete business start-up and venture capital mechanism) established by Taiwan government. Small and medium enterprises have always been the major impetus of Taiwan economic growth and each business sector development. Having experienced with fierce international competition during last few years, small and medium enterprises do need the Taiwan government’s support in solving such problems as suffering insufficient R & D and having difficulty getting access to gaining information. Meanwhile, because of the government’s financial crunch, the subsidy constituting the major business operation capital source for the incubator will be curtailed. While the incubator burdens more responsibilities assigned by the government, and related missions become more complicated, business operation environment keeps on changing rapidly, the incubator can fulfill its diversified business operation goals and cope with the fast-changing trends mentioned above only by adopting aggressive operation innovation and adjustment in business strategies. This research is composed of executing case study on two incubator by using Qualitative Research Method based on a structure of “7S”, and is expected to achieve: 1. Discussing the critical business operation difficulties and improvement trends of the incubator, 2. searching possible innovative strategies for enabling the incubator to fulfill their missions and responsibilities, 3. probing the business operation mode and business sector development consultation of the incubator. The related data collection and analysis of this research results in such major conclusion and suggestions as: 1. The incubator shall provide enterprises one-stop Total Solution by integrating sources efficiently, and aggressively develop the incubator capacities by combining external and internal resource through physical and virtual incubator. 2. The incubator shall diversify and expand their service goals and modes by adopting flexible and efficient “corporate” organization and business operation policies. 3. The incubator shall strengthen and externalize their incubation and consultation proficiency, and enhance related business skill and improve commercial incubation efficiency and innovate business philosophies, and establish commercial operation mode as soon as possible.


