  • 學位論文


A The Managerial Performance for Convenience Stores Installing POS Systems - An Empirical Study of 7-11

指導教授 : 湯玲郎


便利商店導入POS系統對營運績效影響之研究 -以統一超商為例 學生:李冀民 指導教授:湯玲郎 元 智 大 學 管 理 研 究 所 摘 要 面對迅速變遷的消費環境與競爭態勢,企業所需的核心能力都與以往有所不同。企業若想在新經濟中嶄露頭角、提升競爭力,連鎖便利商店運用POS(銷售時點系統)所彙集的資料,整合資訊形成有價值的知識,並透過組織學習擴散來提升組織競爭力與營運績效是企業進行e化及現代化整合式行銷經營重要的課題! 本研究將依照國內外期刊與論文、專刊等文獻資料之結論,以平衡計分卡四個構面績效指標,並參酌所研究產業之特性及專家意見加以修正、調整成28 個問項,透過問卷對統一超商店經理進行調查,評量統一超商使用新(第二代)POS系統之後,經營績效提升情形,並探討新POS系統的操作熟悉度與經營績效兩者間之相關性研究。最後再做不同門市屬性,其在使用新POS系統之後經營績效之差異性。   最後根據本研究問卷回收統計資料分析得到: 1.新系統的操作熟悉度高 2.統一超商在採用第二代POS系統後,其整體經營績效較採用前略有提升 3.不同屬性門市會影響對新POS系統部份操作項目的熟悉程度 4.不同屬性門市會影響新POS系統在「內部流程構面」上經營績效的效果 5. 不同門市地點對統一超商所提供的加值服務運用程度不同 6. 對新POS系統的操作熟悉度越高,對其經營績效的提升效果越好 以上結果說明,統一超商新POS系統對提升經營績效帶來正面的影響,但仍應致力於POS之研發、更新外,還必需注重人員之操作與應用的訓練,給予更完整、更有效的訓練提升不同屬性門市的經營績效,並為新POS系統導入能在提升競爭優勢上帶來綜效。


The Managerial Performance for Convenience Stores Installing POS Systems - An Empirical Study of 7-11 Student:Chi-Min Lee Advisors:Dr. Ling-Lang Tang ABSTRACT Dealing with dramatic environment change and fierce competition from the market, core competences of companies today are much different from they used to be. For winning the market share and enhancing competence, it is very important for convenient stores to install the POS system for gathering information, coming up know-how, and keeping up growth. This arrangement especially works fine with the E-solution and marketing planning of the whole company. Referring to related literatures, the questionnaire of this thesis, using the BSC (Balance Scorecard) method and considering both the industrial characters and experts’ modifications, was conducted by 28 questions. To evaluate the performances of the latest POS systems installed in 7-11, all the questions were answered by branch managers of 7-11. Another two factors, familiarity with new POS and peculiarities of different branches, which might affect the performance were also discussed in this thesis. We get some conclusions based on the statistical analysis of the questionnaires. 1. After installing POS, managerial performance of 7-11 is better than it used to be. 2. Peculiarities of different branches have certain connections with familiarity with new POS. 3. Peculiarities of different branches do affect the managerial preference in terms of the internal process. 4. The application degrees of value-added services provided by 7-11 alter among different locations of branches. 5. The higher the familiarity with new POS is, the better the managerial preference will be. Based on these conclusions, we take positive opinions on the installation of POS for 7-11. Furthermore, companies need to keep focusing on the R&D of POS and training on employees that can contribute to the synergy on managerial performance.


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