  • 學位論文


Key Factors to Activate Dialogue through Perspectives of Organizational Learning within Chinese Organizations in Taiwan

指導教授 : 郭敏珣


知識經濟時代中,知識是企業之戰略資源,而扮演知識承載者與創新來源的人力資源,便成為決定企業市場核心價值之關鍵因素(陳沁如,2002);組織自以往著重效率或品質的生產模式,至現今講求效率與品質並重的組織運作,不應僅是將員工視為受僱之勞動者;反之,應將員工視為所屬組織致勝之重要利基。同時,人們亦發現今後企業生存與發展之成功關鍵除低成本與高效率,亦須擁有足以滿足顧客需求為導向之創新能力(柯雅琪,2003);因為推動「組織學習」為提升人力資源素質之重要途徑,許多組織開始要求企業體全員持續共同學習,希望組織經營績效藉此得以持續不斷地成長,進而提昇其核心競爭力。 Peter Senge(1990)提出建構學習型組織的五項修練,包括自我超越(Personal Mastery)、改善心智模式(Improving Mental Models)、建立共同願景(Building Shared Vision)、團隊學習(Team Learning)與系統思考(Systems Thinking),並強調「深度匯談」(Dialogue)是推動團隊學習的有效方法。又本研究者在企業組織人力資源相關領域有多年實務經驗,亦曾帶領企業組織讀書會與實務社群等學習團體,研究期間藉由蒐集與研讀相關文獻,更瞭解到「組織學習」的概念近年來已在台灣生根發芽;同時,台灣有些組織如中華民國組織發展協會,已經開始運用「深度匯談」的手法輔導許多組織。 本研究主題「由組織學習觀點探討台灣華人組織導入深度匯談之關鍵因素」,主要是藉由分別瞭解「組織學習」與「深度匯談」及「深度匯談之應用」等理論基礎,進而探討「深度匯談」與「組織學習」之關聯性,並邀請十二位兼具「深度匯談」促進者實務與理論者為訪談對象,其中八位以個別訪談方式進行,另外四位則進行團體焦點訪談;希望藉由對實務運作面探討台灣華人組織如何使用「深度匯談」促進「組織學習」,亦藉以輔證並發展華人「深度匯談」之運作模式,供實務界及學術界做參考。 本研究之主要研究結論與建議如下: 一、 組織導入「深度匯談」於「組織學習」最終是希望將「深度匯談」、「組織學習」與組織核心價值相連結,加強組織成員間之信任感與其對組織的歸屬感。 二、 華人組織發展導入「深度匯談」之關鍵因素,包括「深度匯談」的環境、與組織任務相關聯、高支持度的領導者、成熟且擅於溝通的「深度匯談」促進者,與經過適當的參與者等。 三、 本研究者提出台灣華人組織導入「深度匯談」的「四C」運作模式,主要係由「深度匯談」整個運作過程所構成,即連結(Connection)、衝突(Conflict)、共識(Consensus)與創新(Creation)。 誠如上述研究結果,本研究之具體貢獻在於提供台灣華人組織在運用「深度匯談」時實務上之參考;同時,其具有下述兩項重要意義: (一) 實務上的意義:由於本研究之受訪者均具有「深度匯談」促進者之經驗,因此,其所分享的經驗與意見均具有實務參考價值;另外,本研究發展之台灣華人組織「深度匯談」的「四C」運作模式,可供台灣欲導入「深度匯談」的華人組織作為參考,特別是幾項有別於西方文獻之部分。 (二) 學術上的意義:經由本研究之研究發現,將可使「深度匯談」應用於「組織學習」的理論模式更趨完善。


In knowledge-based economy age, knowledge is the tactical resource in company, and the human resources that carry the weight of knowledge and innovation are viewed to be the successful critical factors of market core vale in industry (Chen, 2002). In the past, organizations emphasized the importance of high efficiency or high quality production mode but, nowadays, organizations stress the importance of both of high efficiency and quality. We should not regard employees just as employed labors but the significant successful benefit bases of organizations. It is one of the important ways to devote to organizational learning to improve the quality of human resources. Many organizations start to ask their staff to learn together to raise the performance continuously, and then promote their core competitiveness. Senge (1990) indicated five disciplines to establish a learning organization, including Personal Mastery, Improving Mental Models, Building Shared Vision, Team Learning and Systems Thinking; Senge further stressed “Dialogue” is an effective method to activate team learning. Currently staffing at Amphenol East Asia Co. Ltd., the author has serving as a Human Resource Manager for a long while and has several years of experiences in leading study groups and communities of practice in Taiwan. Through research and practice, the author further understood that the concept of organizational learning has been developed in Taiwan. The aim of this paper is to address an aspect of organizational learning that has not been extensively developed in Asia society- -the key factors to activate dialogue from the perspectives of organizational learning. Therefore, in this paper, the research question is: What are the key factors to activate dialogue in Chinese organizations in Taiwan? In addressing this question, the author particularly look at how a “dialogue” is being perceived, understood, and practiced in organizations in Taiwan. The author then interviewed twelve skilled facilitators who have had experiences in facilitating dialogues in Chinese organizations in Taiwan, and tried to identify factors that stimulate a dialogue to work. The author of this article, then, hopes to contribute to the field in couple of ways. By examining existing knowledge in organizational learning and learning organization, this study strengthens the international HRD knowledge base, heeding the call for increased application of research and practice by Senge and other scholars who devote themselves in the realm. By interviewing local professional practitioners who have had expertise in facilitating dialogues in Taiwan, the study expands existing knowledge and allows comparisons of practices cross-culturally. In order to identify and specify key factors for a “dialogue” to be initiated and activated within Chinese organizations in Taiwan, and, hopefully, that a working model of dialogue can be developed and further be used, the study conducted personal and focus groups interviews to those who have had experiences in facilitating dialogues in Taiwan. The major findings are similar to those that have been presented in Western literature, but, because there is a wide disjunction between Western thought and that found in the East, some of the conditions that are necessary for dialogue must be modified to suit Chinese culture better. In other words, from this study, the author concluded that attention must be paid to cultural filters and their implications for adopting the technique of dialogue within organizational learning, even though the theoretical concepts of dialogue are commonly recognized in both Western and Eastern cultures. Today, the principles and practices of dialogue are being put into a contemporary context. In spite of its popularity in the North America, yet, dialogue is all but lost to the Asian organizations. The emphasis is on how dialogue in Chinese organizations in Taiwan can be perceived, understood, and practiced from the aspect of organizational learning. We also maintain that attention to the cultural dynamics of organizational structure, and to the links between dialogue and organizational cultures, will increase learning in organizations that are moving toward becoming a learning organization.


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