  • 學位論文

探討教師專業自主權與學校行政的互動 ~以國民中學為例

A Study on Interactions between Teacher Autonomy and School Administration ~ The Case of Junior High Schools

指導教授 : 徐學忍博士


本論文研究之主要目的,在於探討教育改革後,校園民主化潮流的推動下,國民中學校園內教師專業自主權與學校行政的互動關係。期提供一雙贏的策略,使彼此擺脫囚犯的困境,而從客觀、理性的層面追求最適當的互動模式,以學生的受教權益為依歸,共同培養校園組織價值與情感,創造溫馨、和諧、優質的校園文化。 本研究採用質化取向的個案研究分析,輔以深度訪談的方式,來瞭解國民中學校園內教師專業自主權的發展現況,以及對於學校行政管理的衝擊,並分析學校的代理關係,探討其衝突爭議的型態。最後,以賽局理論檢視雙方的互動關係與影響。 經歸納本研究分析的結果發現:一、學校代理問題的監督機制不夠周全。二、學校行政主管的領導風格與行為模式是校內衝突或和諧的重要影響先決條件。三、學校行政權與教師專業自主權的高彰顯是必要的。四、學校行政權與教師專業自主權的互動賽局不是零和的賽局,而是完全訊息下動態的子賽局完美納許均衡。 欲解決校園的衝突與對立,本研究提出的建議是:一、建構可行與合理的學校績效考核方式。二、釐清學校行政的權責,及教師專業自主權的應有範疇。三、建構校內的協商機制,以化解衝突與爭議。四、建構服務導向的學校組織。五、學校教師會的角色與功能應以提昇教師專業成長為主,積極擔任行政與教師的溝通橋樑,協助解決校內衝突。


This thesis aims mainly to discuss the interactive relationships between junior high school teacher autonomy and the school administration under the influence caused by the trend of campus democratization in the wake of educational reforms. A win-win strategy is proposed in this thesis to get teachers and school administration members out of the “Prisoner’s Dilemma”, and to enable them to objectively and rationally pursue a most adequate interactive mode, to collaborate on developing the value of campus organizations, and to create a campus culture of warmness, harmony, and high quality. A qualitative case study method is applied, with some deep interviews done also, to get the knowledge of how teacher autonomy is working in junior high schools, and how it is striking against the school administration. Besides, the agency relationship in schools is analyzed to find out the types of conflict and dispute aroused by it. Finally, game theory is used to examine the interactive relationships between, and the influence brought by teacher autonomy and the school administration. The results of this study can be concluded as follows: Firstly, the supervising mechanism on the agent system in schools is not comprehensive enough. Secondly, the leadership styles and behavior modes of school administration superintendents predestine the harmony or conflict within campus. Thirdly, it’s necessary to highlight the rights of the school administration and teacher autonomy. Fourthly, the interactive game between the rights of the school administration and teacher autonomy is not a zero-sum one, but a “Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium” To solve the conflict and opposition within campus, five solutions are suggested as follows: Firstly, we must devise a feasible and reasonable school performance assessment method. Secondly, it’s necessary to clarify the duties and rights of the school administration and the range within which teacher autonomy works. Thirdly, an in-campus negotiation mechanism to reconcile conflict and dispute must be built. Fourthly, efforts should be done to construct service-oriented school organizations. Fifthly, Teacher Union on school level is supposed to be operated mainly to make teachers progress on their profession, to act as a communicative channel between teachers and school administration members to cease conflict within campus.




