  • 學位論文


An expert system for PCB assembly line balancing

指導教授 : 蔡篤銘


傳統印刷電路板( Printed Circuit Board, PCB)裝配線之平衡,均以人工為之,因此需要冗長的時間方能完成,且容易發生人為疏失的錯誤,如位置看錯,料號看錯,工時加總錯誤等狀況發生。有鑑於上述缺失,本研究乃研擬一套解決上述平衡問題之專家系統,利用專家系統的理論與技術,結合生產線平衡之方法與技巧,期以「自動」取代「人工」完成生產線平衡。本研究主要目標是發展一套適合於生產線平衡之專家系統,以此專家系統取代傳統人工方式之生產線平衡,降低人工耗費在生產線平衡之時間,生產線平衡最佳化之問題非本研究之探討重點。 本研究利用與生產線平衡之工業工程師( Industrial Engineer, IE)溝通之際,擷取其生產線平衡之經驗與方法,將所得到之資料加以整理,確立生產線平衡之原則及限制條件,再應用專家系統之產出法則(Production rule),予以表達,並將其轉換成電腦程式,最後以裝配線之實例加以驗證,驗證結果證實自動平衡與人工平衡之結果可相匹配,且大量節省了人工平衡的時間。


Line balance is important in manufacturing, which ensures smooth production and high utilization of an assembly line. In this research, we investigate the line balancing problem for printed circuit board ( PCB ) assembly using expert system. The module of a PCB typically contains tens to hundreds of components. Assignment of the components to workstations is traditionally carried out by manual operation. Manual line balancing not only is time-consuming but also depends on the experience of the human expert. The major objective of this research is to develop an automatic line balancing system without human intervention, which will make the balancing result competitive with the domain experts rather than generate the optimal solution of line balancing. Experimental results on five real power supply PCBs have shown that the proposed expert system scheme performs equally well as the human experts in terms of the cycle time and the standard deviation of assembly time between workstations. It reduces the line balancing task from hours with manual operations to tens of seconds with the automatic expert system.


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