  • 學位論文


The Design of a Wireless Mobile Surveillance System

指導教授 : 李錫捷


數位監控軟體是近年來電腦科技逐漸成熟所發展出來的一套軟體,它的市場定位,由以往的大樓管理員、保全業者,而逐漸擴展至一般大眾的家庭。其軟體產品的功能也由一般的單純化、功能簡單,而逐漸發展成功能複雜、彈性大的產品。 本研究將利用主從式架構,讓手持式行動裝置除了接收及時影像、聲音外,還能動態取得主程式IP、調閱歷史資料、影像快轉、倒轉、接收偵測異常、操控主程式PTZ、擷取影像等。對於無線網路傳輸上之不穩定特性,也規劃自動偵測網路之機制,在網路中斷後,數秒內能夠自動復原,繼續傳輸影像以及聲音,以確保傳輸上之穩定性。


Digital Surveillance Systems are developed out by maturity of computer technology. Its market position has been expanded from building managers, security service firms to the general public family. The functions of its software product are developed from simple to complex and become more elastic. In this study, a wireless mobile surveillance system is built using client-server architecture. Besides receiving real-time image and audio form a server, the mobile surveillance system can survey the historical data that can play the video forward, backward, stop the video and play the video in slower or higher than normal speed. It can also get dynamic IP address from a server, receive alarm message form a server, control remote PTZ functions, and save image in BMP or JPEG format files. Because of the unstable transmission over wireless networks, an auto-detect mechanism is designed to minimized the side effect.


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