  • 學位論文


The impact of quality control Endeavor to the quality of Electronic medical record

指導教授 : 詹前隆


摘 要 最近,資訊技術已經實現在醫學裡。利用不同的統計理論數據,用於品質的改進。病歷品質的好壞,和整體「醫療費用給付」以及「醫療品質」,有正面而直接的關係。病歷品質越好,醫院收入也相對增加;病歷品質越好,醫療品質也越好,這是互相影響的。 目的:本研究的主要目的是以「電子病歷的品質」為導向所做的研究。比較病歷審核前、審核後之間的關聯和差異性比較,希望藉由資料的分析,可以簡單的了解審核表的重要性,而獲得相關的知識和未來發展方向。 方法:以一家「亞洲心臟專科教學醫院」「出院紀錄」電子病歷的內容,利用病歷資料庫(Electronic medical record database)的實體病歷,用SPSS統計軟體,做深入探討和分析。利用SPSS分成三種方式,敘述統計、交叉分析、二因子變異數分析,並提出研究假設。 結果:經過SPSS統計分析的評估之後,所得到的結論為「電子病歷審核後」的確比「電子病歷審核前」的品質要來的高,並凸顯出品質審核的重要性。 結論:除了要提升品質的重要性之外,也顯示病歷品質的好與壞,跟醫師過去的臨床經驗有相當程度的關係;和醫療院所重視的程度;病歷管理的領導者是否駕馭醫師的權限之上;病歷管理的專業程度,可以讓人信服,並且能得到醫師的支持,配合醫院政策實施。


Abstract IT (Information technology) has been used in the medical practice. These take various statistics by preserving various data, and there is a purpose furthermore used for the quality improvement. Electronic Medical Record quality is good and bad. In the course of development of the Electronic Medical Record , seems very important, it is a very main purpose too. Most medical organizations would like to invest this domain to do relevant research too. Objective:It is studied that this is done by a direction to ”Electronic Medical Record Quality”, Edition. Comparing with disparity related before and after verifying. Use SPSS statistical analysis, Proposition research background and research question, By data analysis, Get relevant knowledge and future direction. Method:With a ”Asian heart teaching hospital” of “Electronic Medical Record discharge Record” subject matter,make and probe into and analysis deeply. Regard actual Electronic Medical Record as the model. Application of Electronic medical record database, According to the condition of sampling, Use SPSS statistics analysis, Make deep to discuss and analysis. Utilize SPSS to divide into three ways, narrate statistics, intersect analysis, two-way ANOVA analysis, and propose studying supposing. Result:After assessment of SPSS statistical analysis, got conclusion EMR after verifying, is it come than quality on EMR before verifying high to want really. Conclusion: Besides EMR quality, can find out different Expert of Suggestion , Whether the leader of management of the EMR controls on the doctor's authority , the professional degree, and can get support from doctor.


王治元,(2007),電子病歷之二 甚麼是病歷?,健康世界,260期,pp83-84。
