  • 學位論文


Competitiveness Analysis of the Textile and Apparel Industry in Four Countries: Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan

指導教授 : 蔣廷芳


本篇論文主要在探討成衣產業在日本、香港、南韓及台灣等四個東亞國家的發展情況。過去,成衣產業在這些國家的經濟成長扮演了重要的角色,並且,現在該產業仍在某些國家表現出色。內外在因素導致市場環境多變,競爭優勢也隨著產業發展而改變,本研究欲探討四國如何利用競爭優勢來因應,並在成衣商品鏈中升級、調整該國產業。研究方法採用大量的文獻、貿易統計數字及學者理論歸納而成,主要是利用雙鑽石模型(Double Diamond Approach)來探討,其為波特鑽飾模型(Porter’s Diamond Model)探討全球化所延伸之模型,著重在四個主要要素:要素條件、需求條件、相關及支持產業和廠商策略、結構和競爭。本篇研究不僅分析四國的競爭力,也比較四國的相同及相異之處,最後,提供一些建議以期各國能持續發展成衣產業。


This study describes the development of the textile and apparel industry in the four East Asian countries: Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan. The textile and apparel industry plays an important role while these nations were developing their economics. In recent years, some of them still play leading roles in the global garment industry. While the internal and external factors leading to turbulent market environment, we can see that the competitive advantage factors changes according to the industry develops. This research makes an attempt to illustrate how textile and apparel industries in these four nations utilize their competitive advantages in the apparel commodity chain and how they upgrade and readjust their industries. A large number of literature reviews, trade statistics and deduction and induction of some theories are utilized as a research method. The Double Diamond Approach is adopted which is an extension of Michael Porter’s determinants through internationalization and mainly focus on the four principal determinants. The study not only analyzes the competitiveness of the four countries but also compares their different and common parts even provide some suggestions.


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