  • 學位論文


Multi-Plant and Multi-Stage Manufacturing Process Rush Order Assignment and Evaluation

指導教授 : 鄭元杰


在競爭激烈的市場中,顧客需求變的難以掌握,因此緊急訂單發生的頻率日益增加,企業為了要滿足顧客多變的需求,藉由擴建新廠、合併他廠的方式來增加產能,使得製造廠區由單廠轉變為多廠的型態,又各廠區製造技術的不同,產品的生產製造需規劃至多廠區的不同製程,以完成訂單產品需求。因此緊急訂單的分配與評估將更加困難。緊急訂單是個經常發生的問題,但是在過去的學術文獻上卻一直沒有系統性的方法,來解決緊急訂單分配與評估的問題。因此,當企業面臨客戶緊急需求的訂單時,通常只依據個人主觀的經驗作判斷,如此一來將可能導致生產線的混亂或因產能不足造成在系統內承接的訂單延遲交貨,嚴重影響到企業的聲譽,因此多廠區多階製程緊急訂單的分配與評估顯得相當重要。故本研究欲探討如何在多廠區多階製程的生產環境下,考量各廠區各製程段不同的生產限制與成本,進行多廠區多階製成緊急訂單分配評估。 本研究針對多廠區多階製程緊急訂單分配與評估問題,建立兩階段的規劃模式,第一階段考量各廠區各階製程的產能與成本,以最小化生產規劃總成本為目標,藉由基因演算法(GA)求解問題模式,依產品製程段順序,將訂單需求分配至各廠區生產。第二階段以企業最大獲利為目標,將緊急訂單與一般訂單利潤總和減去因承接緊急訂單所造成的影響成本,其所求得之值做為緊急訂單承接的評估。 根據本研究提出的兩階段規劃模式,可得到最佳的緊急訂單分配結果、各廠區各製程段緊急訂單與一般訂單的產出量、外包量、一般訂單的延遲量與承接訂單為企業帶來的最大利潤。所求得的結果可提供企業評估是否承接緊急訂單,也可作為生管人員進行後續生產規劃等工作的參考依據。


In the market with keen competition, it is difficult to master that changes of customer's demand. So it increases of the frequency of rush orders. In order to satisfy lots of and various customer's demand, a company might expand the number of plants or the product lines to increase the capacity. The rush order is a question that often happens. But it don't have a systematic way to solve the problem of rush orders assignment and evaluation. If enterprises accept rush orders without objectivity, it may cause confusion of the production line or orders delay because of capacity shortage. Consequently, it is important to develop a model to assign the rush orders properly to all plants based on the multi-plant and multi-stage manufacturing process. This research is aimed at the rush orders acceptance assignment and evaluation in multi-plant and multi-stage manufacturing process. In this research, two phases of rush orders assignment and evaluation are presented, In the first phase, it uses mixed integer programming to formulate the model of rush ordesr assignment of minimizing the total production cost accoreding to capacity constraints and cost factor, and then use Genetic Algorithm(GA) to find the optimal solution. In the second phase, we can justify the optimal rush order assignment in maximal rush order rewards subtract extra cost of accepting the rush orders. According to two phases, we can find out the optimal rush order assignment, volume of rush orders and normal orders producing, outsourcing , normal order late-ness and companies maximal profit . Finally, the results could be a basis to help a company to make decisions of rush order assignment and staffs could arrange the fol-low-up product scheduling according to the optimal solution of this research.


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