  • 學位論文


The Research of Elderly Human Resource Development and Utilization

指導教授 : 羅新興
共同指導教授 : 李弘暉


由於老年壽命延長,老年人口增加,生育率下降,人口結構老化;使生產人力比例減少,依賴人口比例增高,而形成所謂「老人潮」社會經濟危機。處理此一危機的對策,如提高生育率,不但會增加年輕人負擔,而且又會提高人口密度,實不可行。唯有開發逐年增長的老年人力資源,並予適切有效運用才能真正化解,乃決定以「老年人力資源開發與運用為題」進行研究,一面以研究者本人生平經歷,從縱向蒐集有關資料;一面從文獻中橫廣擷取相關資料,整理後擬定研究基本理念架構,決定研究主題,然後敦請產、官、學各界知名學者專家暨老人代表實施深度訪談。 經整合研究者本人76年生涯經歷和探討有關文獻以及深度訪談受訪者的卓見資料,提出如何有效開發老年人力資源的途徑和如何運用老年人力資源的適切方式,然後作成研究結論和建議。如何有效開發老年人力資源,必須從三個途徑進行:一、是要先從老年人健全本身的工作條件做起,二、是要導正社會企業對老人的迷思與岐視,三、是要政府修訂有關對老人的政策和法規。 如何適切運用老年人力資源可選擇下列三種方式:一、擔任有給就業工作(此為主要方式),二、轉任無給公益工作(必須生活無虞),三、專住自給自娛工作(必須有經濟基礎)。總合上述如何使老年人力資源開發途徑和運用方式更為有效,整體人力資源更大發揮,必須將老、中、青三階段生涯基礎規剭檢討改進: 一、指出當前基礎生涯規劃缺失:(一)青少年專注於學習,而不事工作與休閒,學非所用,沒有工作試練,有被「讀死書」之譏!(二)中年拼命工作而無暇學習與休閒,用非所學,負擔太重,疲於奔命,有遭「過勞死」之危!(三)而老年人則無所事事,失去成就感與尊嚴,雖然壽長卻不健康幸福,有感「無聊死」之嘆! 二、提出三階段基礎生涯規劃原則:(一)青少年以學習為主,佔其時間精力的五分之三,其他工作與休閒各佔五分之一,(二)中壯年以工作為主,佔其時間精力的五分之三,其他學習與休閒各佔五分之一,(三)老年人以休閒為主,佔其時間精力的五分之三,其他學習與工作各佔五分之一。 作成研究結論:老年人不但要「活到老學到老」;還要「活到老做到老」,才能將老人是國家的負債,變成為是國家的資產。最後建議:請政府迅採人口結構老他因應措施,並呼籲社會大眾對「老人潮」的來襲早謀因應對策。


Owing to the elder’s life extension, increasing population of the elderly, decreasing birth rate, and aging demographic structure, the percentage of productive population is decreasing and the dependent population is increasing. Hence the so-called “The Elderly Tide” economic crisis has become a social issue. Elevating birth rate shall worsen youngster’s financial burden and uplift the population intensity. The proper strategy of handling this crisis is to further develop the elderly human resources, and to utilize them efficiently. Hence, I’ve decided to work on this research subject “The Elderly Human Resource Development and Utilization”. On one hand, this research will be based on my personal life experiences, with collection of vertical data & information; on the other hand, I will retrieve information out of related scientific & technical literatures that I have collected and organized, and then determine the fundamental & conceptual structure of this research, then determine the research subject and conduct in-depth interviews with the elderly representatives and eminent scholars & experts in the industrial, political and academic fields. Integrating my personal career experiences of 76 years with the related scientific & technical literatures and in-depth interviewees’ vision, I have raised the following effective and appropriate methods of developing and utilizing the elderly human resources. Ultimately, further research conclusions and recommendations shall be addressed. Three effective ways of developing the elderly human resources are as the following: 1. Build solid & sound career qualifications for the elderly. 2. Redirect and correct the social & corporate bias & discrimination against the elderly. 3. The Government needs to establish policy & regulations for the elderly. The following are appropriate ways of utilizing the elderly human resources: 1. Take paid employment opportunities (This is deemed the primary method). 2. Transfer to non-paid charity opportunities (on the assumption that there’s no financial burden). 3. Focus on self-sufficient, self-entertained opportunities (on the assumption that basic financial foundation is in place). Combine all the three above. What should we do to develop and utilize the elderly human resources more efficiently and to optimize them? We must revisit and improve all three stages (Elder, Middle and Young ages) of foundational career planning: 1. Identify the shortfall of current fundamental career planning: Youngsters focus on learning, and neglect working & leisure. As a result, the learned knowledge does not apply to career, and leads to lack of practical work annealing. It is frequently teased as “deadlock learning”. Middle-age people struggle to work hard with very limited learning and leisure time. As a result, they do not utilize their learned skills & knowledge, and are usually overloaded with heavy work. Hence they are mostly in danger of “death caused by work overload”. The elderly usually have very little to do. Without their focus of life, they tend to lose achievement & dignity. As a result, the elderly live long enough, but do not live happily & healthily. They often feel the “boredom in life”. 2. Propose the principles of fundamental career planning for three stages of life: Youngster should focus on learning, endeavored with 3/5 of his time & energy. For work and leisure, each shall take up to 1/5 of his time & energy. Middle-age people should focus on work, endeavored with 3/5 of his time & energy. For learning and leisure, each shall take up to 1/5 of his time & energy. The elderly should focus on leisure, which takes up 3/5 of his time & energy. For learning & work, each shall take up to 1/5 of his time & energy. In conclusion, the elderly should not only “keep up learning as long as we live”, but also “keep up working as long as we live”. By so doing, we may transform the elderly from national liabilities into national assets. Lastly, my recommendation is for the government to take responsive actions against the aged population structure. The general people should also take precaution and prepare for “the Elderly Tide” before it really hits and impact the society.


elderly human resource


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