  • 學位論文


Multi-agent Application:The Simulation and Analysis of Vehicle Dial-a-Ride Operation System

指導教授 : 陳以明


在能源危機與全球暖化的情形下,大眾運輸在城市中的地位更形重要,但因其犧牲效率與彈性的缺點,加上科技於動力上的突破,使得電動計程車在城市中成為不可或缺的運輸工具。另一方面,在許多的服務型態中,採用車輛撥招的服務方式,因其降低乘客等候時間與電動計程車能源無效率的優點,對於乘客和計程車而言都是雙贏的局面。 本研究以電腦模擬作為本研究的研究方法,為了有助觀察及模擬電動計程車與乘客之行為,因此採用多重代理人模擬技術建構一電動計程車撥招營運系統。另以AnyLogic作為多重代理人建構平台,並以Java為撰寫多重代理人的程式語言。最後以此電動計程車撥招營運系統進行決策分析與支援的模擬。在節能減碳為願景的基礎下,以乘客平均等候時間與電動計程車平均閒置時間作為電動計程車行的績效衡量與決策分析的參考依據。並在決策分析的模擬中,分別採用汽車共乘(Car Pool),車輛共用(Car-Sharing)兩種管理政策,分析其在電動計程車撥招營運系統的應用效果。最後,根據分析結果顯示,在加入汽車共乘管理政策下的電動計程車營運系統的乘客平均等候時間與電動計程車平均閒置時間為最少。另一方面,為了達到輔助使用者決策支援的目的,本研究建構一圖形使用者介面(GUI)。在圖形使用者介面的輔助下,使用者可立即建構一擬真實際狀況的模擬環境,以即時觀察其模擬結果,並作為即時的決策制定的參考依據。因此此一圖形使用者介面可提供使用者在制定各項決策時一具合理性與有效性的即時決策支援。


This research follows the design and implementation of a traffic simulator written in AnyLogic, an agent-based modeling environment written in Java program language to facilitate observing the behaviors of electric taxis and passengers. The system is developed with a view to as the decision analysis and support for electric taxi company under the mission of energy saving and reduction of CO2, in particular car-pool and car-sharing management policies. We adopt passenger average waiting time and electric taxi average idle time as the performance measures and decision support fro electric taxi company. The analysis result shows that under adding car-pool into the electric taxi DAR operation system, the passenger average waiting time and electric taxi average idle time are the lowest. On the other hand, in order to achieve the object of decision support for user, we provide a graphic user interface (GUI) to support user making decision real time. User can simulate the real condition via GUI in our electric taxi DAR operation system to observe the simulation process and result to make a reasonable decision-making immediately.


Electric-taxi Dial-a-ride Multi-agent Car-pool Car-sharing


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