  • 學位論文


The Evaluating Factors of The Best Favorable Bidding Supplier of Air Force Purchase

指導教授 : 王維康


由於政府採購金額龐大,其過程及結果之良窳,影響經濟活動及人民對於政府的信賴與支持,在政府預算支出中扮演相當重要之角色,更直接影響施政品質。目前政府採購過程中所必須面對的問題,選商是一個相當重要的關鍵因素,如能在合理的預算下,覓履約能力最好的廠商,就能將人民的納稅錢用得有效率且有價值。政府採購法「最有利標」決標制度,不是過去僅以價格為唯一考慮,其目的在於提供招標單位最有利於採購本身特性之決標方式。 本研究探討政府機關採購業務中有關供應商評選程序,並運用層級分析法作為建構空軍仁愛營區財物採購案評選準則及權重的方法。具體而言,本研究之目的為:建構空軍仁愛營區財物採購案最有利標招商評選準則及權重。 研究結果發現空軍仁愛營區財物採購案供應商評選之因素依序為: 1、供應商之產品性能、計畫與財務管理能力及服務(19.94%); 2、供應商之技術能力與實際績效(19.80%); 3、供應商之工地與安全管理能力(14.89%); 4、供應商之產品安全與技術規格及文化保存(13.24%); 5、供應商之人力資源與營運管理能力(13.40%); 6、供應商之產品品質與標準化(18.73%)。


Because government procurement is huge in amount of money, influence economic activity and people's trust and support of the government.It act quite important role in government's budget expenditure, influence administrative quality more directly. The question that must face in the course of government procurement at present, the selecting trader is a quite important key factor, under reasonable budget, look for, honour an agreement the intersection of ability and best manufacturer, can pay taxes people money spend efficient and valuable. The system of award of bid of law of purchase of the government, did not only consider only with the price in the past.Its purpose lies in offering calling for bid to the unit to help to purchase the award of bid of one's own characteristic way most. This research canvasses the government bodies and purchases in the business relevant suppliers evaluate the procedure, and use the analytic approach of level as building and constructing the method to evaluate criterion and weight of property purchasing case of kind-heartedness post of air force. Particularly, the purpose of this research is: Build and construct the kind-heartedness post property purchasing case of air force to evaluate criterion and weight the most favorably. The findings of this research are as follows: 1、Supplier’s performance, planning with financial managerial ability and service.(19.94%) 2、Supplier’s technological ability and real performance.(19.80%) 3、Supplier’s ability of manage in the building site and safety management.(14.89%) 4、Supplier’s products safety,technical specification and culture conservation.(13.24%) 5、Supplier’s Ability of human resources and operation management.(13.40%) 6、Supplier’s products quality and standardization.(18.73%)


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