  • 學位論文


Antecedents of Cloud Computing Adoption for Service Innovation

指導教授 : 陳家祥


雲端運算為網路時代帶來一重大改變,從產業鏈上游到末端消費者皆能感受其劇烈的衝擊力道。過去台灣以電腦半導體製造代工創造可觀的GDP,然而全球市場的趨勢改變,製造代工產業的毛利率逐年下降,反而"服務"被更加重視了,鴻海、廣達...等電腦代工製造業的企業龍頭,紛紛稱呼自己為"服務業",欲扭轉代工低毛利 的宿命情形,而雲端運算皆成為他們近年來的重點發展事業,各企業無不投入大量的人力及資金,因為誰能搶下雲端市場領導者的地位,將成為未來網路時代的主宰者。雲端運算為消費者透過網際網路從雲端服務供應商的超大資料中心獲得運算能力、儲存空間、應用軟體和資料。使用者只需在必要時為其使用的資源付費,因此可不必自行擁有高規格的硬體設備,或是自行建立資料中心、採購伺服器和存放裝置。 本研究從服務主導邏輯以及雲端運算的特點出發,嘗試探討發掘出企業對雲端運算的採用考量前提,進而對企業本身服務創新的績效影響。整理出的四大構面為與雲端供應商之間的可靠性、相容性,以及企業本身的顧客導向和成本規劃。本研究以PLS來衡量整體模型的路徑值,發現企業對可靠性、相容性,以及成本,在雲端運算採用上具有顯著影響。期許本研究能提供給雲端運算供應商作為參考,對於其消費者在採用認知上有廣泛了解。


Cloud computing brought a significant change to internet generation; it can feel the dramatic impact from the upstream of industry chin to consumers. In the past, Taiwan created considerable GDP value by semiconductor and computer OEM industry. However, the trends has changed in the global market, gross margin of OEM industry decreased year by year, instead, they are pay more attention to “service.” The OEM leading enterprises such as Foxconn and Quanta have also started to call themselves as “service industry.” All of them would like to change the low gross margin situation, and then the emergence of cloud computing that provides a great opportunity. The companies are all putting many funds and human resources, cloud computing already become the priority development subjective. Because they know that who can be the leader of cloud market, will become the master of internet generation in the future. Cloud computing refer to that companies get computing capability, storage space, software application, and data which through internet from a huge data center of cloud computing service supplier through internet. This study is according to the service dominant logic and the characteristics of cloud computing, and attempt to explore the antecedents of cloud computing adoption for companies, and then make an impact on the service innovation performance. We proposed four construct that contain the relationship conditions between cloud computing suppliers are reliability and compatibility, and the customer orientation and cost plan to themselves. After the measure value of PLS path model, we found that reliability, compatibility, and cost have significant impact on cloud computing adoption. We expect this study will provide to cloud computing providers as a reference, and have a broad understanding with the cognition of their consumers.


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