  • 學位論文


What is Service Innovation: A Comprehensive Literature Review

指導教授 : 彭奕農


在21世紀中,服務創新的概念以日益重要。在許多文獻中回顧到服務準則在服務創新上有各式各樣的解釋,亦即從傳統的角度演變至新興的創新服務之想法。在演變的過程中,激發了產品與服務間觀點的不同之辯論。此研究主要探討服務創新的六個服務準則:行銷、科技創新管理、服務操作、公開服務創新、服務導向邏輯,以及服務科學。除此之外,此研究的目的為: (1)將服務創新以有條理且全面性的方向界定清楚定義 (2) 在六個服務準則中介定關係、共性,或/和服務創新的不同在服務準則中的定義上。本研究利用文獻提供一個有系統具深度且有系統一系列的根本服務準則,其中強調服務創新的概念。然而,此分析與發現是根據傳統的服務衡量標準:科技創新管理、服務操作為主要準則來界定服務創新。而在新興的服務準則:服務創新、服務導向邏輯,以及服務科學提供了服務創新概念上的貢獻,然而尚未實證服務創新的基本準則。




The concept of service innovation has becoming an important thought in this 21st century. The literature reviews on the service disciplines expose a variety of interpretations about the aspect of service innovation, transitioning from the traditional perspective to the new emerging perspective. This stimulates the debate solely based on the goods-versus-services viewpoints. The research is aiming to explore service innovation from six service disciplines: marketing, technology innovation management (TIM), service operations (SO), open service innovation (OSI), service-dominant logic (S-DL), and service science (SS). Furthermore, the aim of this research is: (i) to define service innovation in a coherent or comprehensively manner and, (ii) to determine the relationships, commonalities, and/or differences of service innovation among the six disciplines. The research introduces the literature review method to offer a systematic in depth coverage of the fundamental principles which underlie the concept of service innovation. However, the analysis and findings based on the evaluation of the measurement aspects proved that traditional disciplines: marketing, technology innovation management (TIM), service operations (SO) are the key disciplines to define service innovation. The new emerging service disciplines: open service innovation (OSI), service-dominant logic (S-DL), and service science (SS) are providing dynamic contributions towards the concept of service innovation but are yet to verify the fundamental premises with empirical evidence.


Service innovation


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