  • 學位論文


Synthesis of peptide derivatives and determination the purity of peptide

指導教授 : 高佳麟




To study a biological active peptide which was obtained from an infectious animal, a series of analogous were prepared for biological assay. Therefore, the purity is important for the following works. With a conventional single wavelength spectra, purity of analyte can be only judged from the peak area of chromatographic. However, different elution conditions cause various different results. Therefore, purity based on the peak area of each signal is an unreliable and insensitive method. A photodiode array detector can provide additional information such as absorbance, wavelength, and retention time. The peak is pure, apart from concentration differences, the full spectrum is similar to each other. When significant deviations are encountered, this can be seen as an indication of impurity. Thus, this method can analyze purity of compound cross-validated with MS data and NMR data give reliable result of purity of each product.


peptide purity photodiode array detector


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