  • 學位論文

台灣地區1999 ~2003年經皮冠狀動脈擴張術之醫院/醫師服務量與醫療利用及品質之相關性分析

The Association of Hospital and Physician Volumes of Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty with Medical Utilization and Outcomes:Analysis from 1999 to 2003

指導教授 : 邱亨嘉


研究背景與目的:台灣心臟疾病逐漸躍升為國人十大死因的第三位之時,形成台灣施行經 皮冠狀動脈擴張術(Percutanueous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty;PTCA) 病例數快速增加,可預見未來施行量將呈現遞增之趨勢,而如何提升醫療品質並控制 醫療利用,成為重要思考議題。國外有關PTCA醫療服務量與醫療療效關係(volume- outcome)之研究發現高服務量醫院相較於低服務量醫院,其病人有較少的住院死亡率 與當次住院併行冠狀動脈繞道手術(Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery;CABG)率, 但對於再住院率幾乎無文獻探討。在醫療服務量與醫療利用間之相關性也以臨床較多 探討,在國外運用全國性資料庫之研究也多只以醫院服務量探討,本研究運用全國性 樣本探討醫院與醫師服務量多寡和醫療利用及品質之關係。 研究方法:利用1999~2003年國家衛生研究院「全民健康保險學術研究資料庫」之「特定 主題檔之住院醫療費用清單明細檔」,其中主手術(處置)碼為36.01、36.02、 36.05之PTCA手術患者,共79,111位,進一步合併「醫事機構基本資料檔」、「專科 醫師證書主檔」、「醫事人員基本資料檔」。控制病患特質(年齡、性別、合併症嚴 重度)、醫師特質(執業年數)、醫院特質(權屬別、層級別、地區別)後,以 Multivariate linear regression與Multivariate binary logistic regression按手 術量多寡對住院中與手術後醫療利用(住院天數、醫療費用)、品質(住院中死亡、 當次住院併行CABG、14天內因缺血性心臟病再住院)之影響。 研究結果:在控制病患特質、醫院特質與醫師特質後,在醫療利用方面,低服務量醫院之 住院天數(p=0.00)與醫療費用(p=0.00)高於高服務量醫院;低服務量醫師之住 院天數(p=0.00)與醫療費用(p=0.00)也高於高服務量醫師。在醫療品質方面, 低服務量醫院與高服務量醫院相比,高出1.92倍的住院中死亡(OR=1.92;95%CI= 1.48-2.50),高出3.42倍的當次住院併行CABG(OR=3.42;95%CI = 2.17- 5.40 ), 高出1.77倍的14天內因缺血性心臟病再住院(OR=1.77;95%CI =1.32- 2.38);以低服務量醫師與高服務量醫師相比,高出1.96倍的住院中死亡(OR=1.96; 95%CI=1.58–2.42),高出 86倍的當次住院併行CABG(OR=85.97;95%CI= 61.00- 121.16),而14天內因缺血性心臟病再住院在低服務量醫師方面則較不顯著(OR = 1.17;95%CI = 0.88- 1.55)。 結論:依據本研究結果得知,手術量高的醫院與醫師的確能減少醫療耗用與改善醫療品 質。因此建議,台灣心臟科學會評估訂定建議服務量最低標準,以當作減低照護病患 過程中不良結果之結構性指標,每所醫院應由高服務量醫師對於低服務量醫師定時 給予訓練與教學,並由高服務量醫師能從旁指導,提高執行次數,以服務量標準作為 醫院或醫師執行與訓練的目標。


Background & Objective The Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) is No.3 cause of death in Taiwan, leading the number of PTCA has grown dramatically. It is an important issue that how to enhance medical quality and to control medical utilization. Furthermore, many volume-outcome studies have suggested that hospitals with high volume of PTCA have lower in-hospital mortality and same-stay coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery, but few studies discussed about re-hospitalization. While there is growing evidence in the literature to support hospital volume requirements, but there is little empirical support for physician volume standards. This study examined the relationship between PTCA volume and medical outcomes in Taiwan from 1999 to 2003. Methods 79,111 PTCA cases (ICD-9-CM code 36.01, 36.02, 36.05) were conducted from National Health Insurance Research Database of the National Health Research Institutes in Taiwan during January 1, 1999 through December 31, 2003. The study employs Descriptive statistics, Multivariate linear regression and Multivariate binary logistic regression to assess the relationship between each of 2 provider volume (hospital volumes and physician volumes) for Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) and 5 medical outcomes (length of stay, hospital charges, in-hospital mortality, same-stay CABG surgery, Re-admission within 14 days). Results After adjusted, when patients were treated with PTCA in low hospital– volume (<300 procedures) compared with high hospital-volume (≥1000 procedures ) had longer length of stay(p=0.00)and higher hospital charges (p=0.00), higher in-hospital mortality (OR=1.92;95%CI=1.48-2.50), higher same-stay CABG(OR=3.42;95%CI = 2.17-5.40), higher re-admission for IHD within 14 days(OR=1.77;95%CI =1.32-2.38). On the other hand, when patients were treated with PTCA in low physician-volume (<40 procedures) compared with high physician- volume (≥150 procedures ) had longer length of stay (p=0.00)and higher hospital charges (p=0.00), higher in-hospital mortality(OR=1.96;95%CI=1.58-2.42), higher same-stay CABG(OR=85.97;95%CI=61.00-121.16). But the re-admission within 14 days did not significantly different(OR=1.17;95%CI=0.88-1.55). Conclusions The results showed that high hospital-volume and high physician- volume had better medical outcomes following PTCA. The study suggested the Taiwan Society of Cardiology should establish the minimum volume requirement per year for hospitals and physicians offering PTCA. Further studies should concern about the recent and pending changes in PTCA technology and practice.


4.羅秉漢;心導管治療術--氣球擴張術 (PTCA) 及支架置放術 (STENT),中國醫藥大學附設醫院網頁


張育嘉(2008)。利用長期資料探討新進醫師之服務量-照護結果的熟能生巧效果 -以冠狀動脈繞道手術為例〔博士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2008.10583
