  • 學位論文


Socially Engaged Art Project in Japan: A case study of Setouchi Triennale in Fukuda

指導教授 : 江明親


自1990年代,日本當代藝術開始轉向關心社會現象,「日本型藝術計劃」在社會的需求中因運而生,以藝術在城鄉間進行地方振興,不但為日本當代藝術開創一股新的思維方式,也開始受到國際上的重視和延伸,研究者因著在瀨戶內國際藝術季的福田地區「福武之家」之實務經驗和感動,進而展開本研究了深入探索的動機。 2010年開辦的三年展「瀨戶內國際藝術祭」屬於藝術計劃思潮中的重要實踐案例。2013年,於小豆島町福田地區,以2009年廢校的福田國小為計劃基地,由企業、政府、居民三方共同成立「福武之家-亞洲藝術平台」,在大規模藝術祭之下,作為持續地方情感和創作能量的小規模藝術計劃。「福武之家-亞洲藝術平台」以「生活藝術」、「國際交流」、「居民合作」為宗旨,每年持續舉辦亞洲當代藝術展、家屋計劃、亞洲食堂、亞洲藝術研討會、福田市集等,使海外藝術團隊與居民建立長期的合作關係,和居民共同思索村落未來的樣貌。本研究從「日本型藝術計劃」的理論背景,以及研究者自2014到2016年連續三年的田野觀察,分析福田地區「福武之家-亞洲藝術平台」的操作方式。 研究結果發現「福武之家」透過「製作過程公開化」,增強居民參與的介面,並建立居民「自律性參與結構」;此外,透過「生活藝術的應用」,促進地方資源的活化,也激發出國際交流中的共感和創造性。最後,研究者針對福武之家的「持續性」做出檢視和建議。本研究以瀨戶內國際藝術祭中福田地區經驗的分析,整理其所具備之獨特性,並對日本型藝術計劃進行反思,也對台灣藝術節慶提出不同的思考。


Japanese Art Project is a co-creative form of artistic activity centered around contemporary art, that developed in various locations in Japan in the 1990s, Japanese Art Project engages deeply with society and evolves in relation to the social conditions of a particular time and place. The "Setouchi Triennale", initiated in 2010, is a representative case of this trend. Among projects of the Setouchi Triennale, “Fukutake House-Asia Art Platform”, is a project linking various Asian regions artist and curators in Fukuda district on Shodoshima island since 2013. The Fukuda Elementary School abandoned since 2009 became a base for this project. This art project is co-organized by local government, business enterprise and residents. It’s a small-scale art project under the large-scale art festival maintain local emotion and creativity. "Fukutake House" is trying to develop Fukuda district through "Art of Living", "International Exchange" and "Resident’s Participation". The project includs “Asian Contemporary Art Exhibition”, “Fukuda Asian Diner, and “Fukuda Art House Project” every years, so that Asian partners and residents can establish long-term relationships and be able to think about the future development of the village together. This research is based on the theoretical background of the "Japanese Art Project", analyzing the operation mode of "Fukutake House - Asia Art Platform". The results of the research revealed that " Fukutake House " enhanced the participation of residents through the "disclosure of art-making process" and established a "self-disciplining participation structure" for residents. In addition, the application of "Art of Living" can revitalize local resources and stimulate the sense of sharing and creativity through international exchanges. Furthermore, the research examines the "continuity" of this project and provides suggestions for bringing changes and vitality for Fukuda District. This research analyzes and collates the experiences of the Fukuda District in the Setouchi International Art Festival as a reference for the future development of art festivals in Taiwan.


朱筱琪(2015)。參與式藝術行動計畫之實踐與反思 : 以新屋藝家人為例(碩士論文)。臺北:國立臺北藝術大學藝術與人文教育研究所。
Sherry R.(1969). A Ladder of Citizen Participation. JAIP, 35(4),216-224.
