  • 學位論文


From city wall to boulevard- According to the construction of taipei three lanes views the modernization of taipei city.

指導教授 : 黃士娟


落成於1884年的臺北府城,代表臺北盆地政治、軍事、經濟地位的躍升,首任巡撫劉銘傳對臺北周遭的建設,開啟了臺北現代化的序幕,繼任的邵友濂更確認臺北為臺灣首府的事實。僅經過了十餘年,1894年清日甲午戰爭爆發,使臺灣成為日本第一個殖民地。日本治臺後,仍選擇臺北府城作為殖民統治的核心,初期仍大量沿用前清遺留的官衙。相對於清代用城牆作為政權鞏固的象徵,日本卻反道而行,將臺北城壁拆除,並於1905年的「臺北市區計畫」中,將城牆遺址規劃為環城的林蔭大道,此即為本論文的主題─臺北三線道路。 道幅寬廣的三線道路不僅在當代造成震撼,更對臺北市的現代化有很大的貢獻。伴隨著道路建設前,埋設其下的排水幹渠,三線道路除了改善了城市衛生、排水的問題,也將當時的臺北三市街連結在一起。在20世紀的頭十年,一棟棟西方樣式的官廳矗立在城內,三線道路畫龍點睛的作為大建設的總結,林木蓊鬱的三線道路讓初來乍到的遊人,讚嘆於南方島都的壯麗,以及殖民統治的成功,一時之間臺北的現代化似乎超越日本平均水準,直逼東京、大阪。 此外,身處臺灣統治的核心,日治時期的三線道路擁有三大功能,分別為儀典的空間、遊憩的場所與田徑的場地,雖然第一項專屬於統治者,不過後兩項則將使用的對象轉回了市民本身,並使三線道路成為臺北庶民生活轉變的一個媒介,讓臺北市的裡裡外外,一點一滴的現代化。 本研究藉由日治時期臺北三線道路的興建,探討對臺北市現代化的影響,同時釐清三線道路的價值,並提供後續相關研究者之基礎參考資料。


Taipei hall founded in 1884 is on behalf of the political, military and financial promotion in Taipei basin. The facilities constructed by the first imperial inspector, whose name is Liu-Minchuan started the prelude of modernization. And then, the successor, Shau-Youlian confirmed the fact that Taipei hall is the capital of Taiwan. After decades, Taiwan had been the first colony of Japan since Sino-Japanese War of 1984. In the Japanese colonial period, they still chose Taipei hall as the center of their rule. In the initial stage, the Japanese governors followed the form of the government office in the Qing dynasty. Compared to the Qing empire used the hall as the solid rule, Japanese governors demolished it on contrary. Even that, in the “Taipei Urban Project” in 1905, they planned to build the boulevard which is surrounded the city in the section of the hall relics. The boulevard is the subject of this study—Taipei three lanes. The broad three lanes was not only a shock in that time, but also a contribution of modernization to Taipei city. Before the lanes had been constructed, the system of underground drainage was built completely. The three lanes improved the sanitation and drainage. Moreover, the three lanes also connected the three major streets together. In the first decade of 20th century, there were many western offices erected in the area. The three lanes became the most outstanding conclusion of the urban construction. The lush three lanes made the visitors who came at first time admire the splendor of the southern island and the success of Japanese colonial rule. All of a sudden, the modernization of Taipei similarly surpassed the average standard in Japan, and equaled to Tokyo or Osaka. Furthermore, in Japanese colonial period, the three lanes which was the core of the government contained three functions: ritual space, recreational place and athletic field. Although the first function belonged to the governors, other functions belonged to the citizens. In addition to what above mentioned, the three lanes is not only the medium of conversion in the common life, but also has Taipei city modernize step by step. This study investigates Taipei three lanes constructed in Japanese colonial period how to effect the modernization of Taipei. Simultaneously, the study also wants to clarify the value of Taipei three lanes for the subsequent reference material.




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