  • 學位論文


An Analysis and Performing Interpretation of Barbara York:Concerto for Tuba“ Wars and Rumors of War”

指導教授 : 段富軒


芭芭拉.約克(Barbara York, 1949- ),是二十一世紀美國著名的現代作曲家,她的作品形式多元,除了室內樂、鋼琴及樂器重奏的作品外,寫給管樂的獨奏曲更是數量眾多。其中芭芭拉.約克已出版的作品中低音號的作品數量高達十一首,是目前創作最多低音號作品的作曲家,而這首結合古典與藍調音樂的《低音號協奏曲:戰爭與謠言》(Concerto for Tuba“Wars and Rumors of War”)是芭芭拉.約克以親身經歷的故事加以創作,也讓這首協奏曲也成為低音號重要曲目之一。 在國內外尚無出版關於芭芭拉.約克的相關書籍與網路資料,在資料缺乏的情況下,筆者透過芭芭拉.約克自己的個人部落格及書信往來的機會中了解她的生平、創作背景與理念。本篇詮釋報告將分為五章,第一章緒論說明研究動機、研究方法,第二章芭芭拉.約克生平與音樂風格的探討,第三章創作背景與樂曲結構分析;第四章演奏詮釋探討,第五章結語。


Barbara York(1949- ) is a renowned American composer in the 21st century. Her compositions are diversity which include Piano, Chamber music and Instrumental ensembles. Besides that there are a large number of Concertos for brass and woodwind instruments. Her published compositions for Tuba over than 11 pieces which are a great quantity of Tuba music compare to other composers. Concerto for Tuba “Wars and Rumors of War”is a story based on her own experience which combines classical music with Jazz music. This is also an important repertoire for Tuba. There are not any published books or information about Barbara York both at home and abroad, on this circumstances, the author wrote the essay to find out her life, the background and concepts of the composition through emails or her own blog. The essay divides into five parts: Introduction: Research of Motivation and Research Method Research of Barbara York’s life and her style of music Background information and music form analysis Analyzing Interpretation Performance Conclusion


Whitener, Scott. A Complete Guide to Brass Instruments and Pedagogy. New York: Schirmer Books A Division of Macmillan, Inc, 1990.
Christian, Goubault.Vocabulaire de la musuque a l’aube du XXe sicle.Minerve, 2000.
Barbara, York. Concerto for Tuba and Orchestra. Cimarron Music Pree, 2006.
Tim Buzbee:Raw Emotion, 2009.
