  • 學位論文


The Ershi zhang Martial Law Camp in Xindian-A Study of Negative Heritage

指導教授 : 邱博舜


近年來聯合國教科文組織登錄的世界文化遺產、臺灣的世界遺產潛力點與具法定身份的文化資產中,有部分是承載關於過去因政治迫害、種族屠殺、醫療隔離或殖民壓榨等的創傷記憶,這些與創傷記憶有實質連結的遺存,本文稱「負面遺產」。此類型遺產往往因其衝突與創傷等負面性質,使得保存不易受重視。隨著具負面教訓意義的世界文化遺產與帶有負面記憶的文化資產名單漸趨增加,過往的創傷記憶空間該如何被對待,其負面遺產價值又應如何建構,為本文欲探討之議題。 臺灣在白色恐怖年代,軍法營區由警備總司令部軍法處、國防部軍法局與覆判局三單位共駐,為羈押、起訴與審判政治犯之場所。1968(民57)年軍法營區從臺北市青島東路搬遷至新店二十張,新建仁愛樓看守所。隨著解嚴與社會風氣轉變,昔日新店二十張的軍法營區,今已轉型為國家人權博物館籌備處下轄的「景美人權文化園區」。本文以新店二十張軍法營區(景美人權文化園區)為研究場域,透過釐清軍法營區在白色恐怖背景下的歷史脈絡、建築空間變遷、空間與政治犯之關係、景美人權文化園區現況,檢討園區現行作為之妥適性,並論新店二十張軍法營區之負面遺產價值。


In recent years, among the UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Potential World Heritage Sites in Taiwan and cultural heritages with legal capacities, some of them bear traumatic memories of political repression, genocide, medical isolation or colonial exploitation from the past. The remains of actual linkage with traumatic memories are called “negative heritage” in this paper. The preservation of this type of heritage tends to be neglected due to the negative nature of conflicts and traumas. With the growing list of heritages with negative lessons or memories, this paper will focus on how to treat spaces with former traumatic memories and how to build up the value of negative heritages. During the White Terror period in Taiwan, the Martial Law Camp was stationed by three units: Department of Martial Law of Taiwan Garrison Command, Bureau of Martial Law of Ministry of National Defense, and Bureau of Rejudgement. It was the place for detention, prosecution and trial of political prisoners. In 1968, the Martial Law Camp was moved from Qingdao East Road, Taipei to Ershi zhang in Xindian. A new Detention House called Renai Building was built. With the lifting of Martial Law and trends in social change, the previous Martial Law Camp in Ershi zhang, Xindian has transformed to the “Jingmei Human Rights Memorial & Cultural Park” under the Preparatory Office of the National Human Rights Museum. The Ershi zhang Martial Law Camp in Xindian (Jingmei Human Rights Memorial & Cultural Park) is the main focus of research in this article. By analyzing the historical context, transformation of architectural space, relationship between space and political prisoners, and current state of Jingmei Human Rights Memorial & Cultural Park of the Martial Law Camp under White Terror, the appropriateness of the existing actions is reviewed. The value of negative heritage of Ershi zhang Martial Law Camp in Xindian will be discussed as well.


