  • 學位論文


The Musical Thoughts and the Practice of Jean-Jacques Rousseau

指導教授 : 王美珠


身為十八世紀的日內瓦公國哲學家、文學家、社會改革家的盧梭(Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1712-1778),在各方面提出的觀點與主張,均對後世產生相當的啟發。直到今日,盧梭在各領域的著作還是佔有舉足輕重的地位。然而,盧梭作為音樂家與音樂思想家的身分,確鮮少被提及,因此,引發筆者撰文研究的動機。 本論文自發生於十八世紀的音樂事件「丑角之爭」(Querelle des Bouffons)談起。路易十四、十五在位期間,音樂長期受到宮廷偏好箝制的影響,法國歌劇發展出獨特的形式與樣貌,然而十八世紀中葉,義大利喜歌劇團巡演巴黎,對法國音樂造成相當的衝擊,境內分裂為兩派人馬,一為保守、支持法國音樂的「國王派」,另一為支持新穎義大利音樂的「皇后派」。兩個陣營分別以拉摩(Jean-Philippe Rameau, 1683-1764)及盧梭為首,展開了一連串的筆戰,兩人從義大利與法國音樂孰為優劣的探討,進一步延伸為和聲、旋律孰為主客的辯論。 藉著此事件,盧梭發表了數篇闡述其音樂思想的重要文章,本文即以其中「論法國音樂」以其「論語言的起源」兩篇文章,作為窺探盧梭音樂思想的體例,再以盧梭著名的幕間劇《鄉村占卜師》(Le Devin du Village, 1752)為其理論實踐的印證。 在盧梭其他領域鉅作的光芒下,盧梭的音樂思想與音樂作品是相對比較受到忽略的一部分,鑒於盧梭對音樂界無法抹滅的影響力,因此希望藉此論文,對其音樂思想與作品進行研究與體解。這是對盧梭整體思想拼圖中,一塊拼片的拾遺;也是音樂史上,為盧梭正名的一個初步嘗試。


As a philosopher, writer, and social reformer in the eighteenth century, Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s (1712-1778) views and opinions had a great influence on his time and on those who came after him. That Rousseau was also a musician and musical theorist is frequently overlooked. The musical event “Querelle des Bouffons” that occurred in 1745 marks the beginning of this report. During the reigns of Louis XIV and Louis XV, music was influenced by the favor of the Kings, so the development of French was quite different from others. In the middle of the eighteenth century, when the Italian commedia took a trip to Paris, resulting in some attacks on French opera. Hence, the French were separated into two parts: the “King’s corner” which preferred the French music, and the “Queen’s corner” which favored the Italian music. The King’s corner was led by Rameau and the Queen’s by Rousseau. They argued about which music was better, and the quarrel advanced to whether harmony or melody was superior. As a result of this split, Rousseau wrote some important articles to explain his musical thoughts. Two of his articles, “Lettre sur la musique francaise”(1753)and “Essai sur l’origine des langues”(1781), are representative of his thoughts. And his famous intermezzo, “Le Devin du Village”(1752)represents as evidence of his ability in musical composition. The fame of his other great writings overrode his musical thoughts and musical compositions, but he did take a very important position in music history. Therefore, this report confines itself to this study of Rousseau’s musical thoughts and composition, not only to complete the puzzle of his philosophy, but to try to correct the overlooked of his musical identity, and his impact on the musical history.


斯特羅姆伯格(Roland Stromberg)著,蔡伸章 譯:近代西方思想史。臺北:桂冠,1993。
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: Essay on the Origin of Languages and Writings related to Music. John T. Scott trans. and ed.., Hanover: University Press of New England, c1998.
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: Le Devin du Village. Charlotte Kaufman ed. Wisconsin: A-R Editions, Inc., 1998.
Christensen Thomas: Rameau and Musical Thought in the Enlightenment. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993.
Oliver, Alfred R.: The Encyclopedists as Critics of Music. New York: AMS Press, 1966.



