  • 學位論文


A Study On Taichung Tobacco Industry Development with Its Facilities (1917-1970)

指導教授 : 邱博舜


1905年(明治38)4月臺灣總督府將菸草納入專賣項目,以作為獲取財政的來源;光復後專賣局更名為公賣局,並接收日治時期原有資產與事業,延續日治時期栽培區制度,分設臺中、花蓮、嘉義、屏東四個菸草生產區,其中臺中菸區(含臺中、彰化及南投)屬區域型菸草種植區,係透過交通設施串連;其餘三處屬集約型,但因種植型態的差異使得此區發展具有獨特性。臺中菸區的菸業發展係因交通運送設施的進步及市場需求下逐步擴展相關產業設施,亦因氣候、土質及水利灌溉等條件,造就該處於光復初期成為全臺菸業最興盛之處。本文試圖探討此區菸業發展歷程,如何運用交通網絡的發展來呈現菸業鏈的形成與演進。 首先透過1920年(大正9)專賣局開始記載該菸區之種植範圍,初步了解有申請許可耕作地的周圍自然環境均是適合栽植菸草,亦因交通運輸設施便利,耕作者會利用東西向發展的輕便軌道及南北向縱貫鐵路作為菸草運輸工具,使得臺中菸區種植狀況為四區中產量最高、面積最廣。但日後隨著菸草南移種植、市地重劃等因素影響,造成種植區域的變遷、產業設施移築等,使菸業創造出不同的樣貌型態。因此,本研究論述產業發展與變遷,以了解各時期產業設施設置區位及相關條件因素之間相互建構關係,並利用圖版建構臺中菸區的菸業鏈,作為目前僅存產業設施現況極為重要之記錄。


臺中菸區 菸業 專賣 產業設施


In April 1905 (Meiji 38), the Taiwan Governor included tobacco in their franchising items as one of the financial sources. The Monopoly Bureau was renamed the Taiwan Tobacco and Wine Monopoly Bureau after Taiwan's Retrocession, and took over the original assets and business from the Japanese Colonial Period. It continued the growing zone system, and divided them into four tobacco-producing districts: Taichung, Hualien, Chiayi, and Pingtung. Among them the Taichung Tobacco District (including Taichung, Changhua and Nantou) is the regional tobacco growing area, which relies on the transportation facilities for linkages, whereas the other three districts are intensive agriculture types. However, the differences between planting patterns are what make this area development unique. The tobacco industry development of Taichung Tobacco District depends on the improvement of transportation facilities and market demands, which also made the industrial facilities gradually expand. Additionally, the climate, soil and irrigation conditions are what made it the most prosperous area in Taiwan during the early Taiwan's Retrocession period. This paper aims to explore the tobacco industry development process of this area, and how it demonstrates the formation and evolution of tobacco industry chain by using the development of transportation network. First according to this tobacco district’s initial record of tobacco planting zone by the Monopoly Bureau in 1920 (Taishō 9), a preliminary understanding is made that all surrounding natural environments of permitted farming lands are suitable for tobacco planting. Also due to the convenience of transportation, the farmers would use the light rails run through the east-west direction and the Western Line railway runs through north-south as means for tobacco transportation. This has made the Taichung Tobacco District the most productive and extensive area. But later along with the tobacco cultivation moving toward south, urban redistricting and other factors, it results in the planting zone changes, industrial facilities construction shifts and other phenomena. Hence the tobacco industry has created various appearances. Therefore this study discusses the industry developments and changes, in order to understand the zoning of industrial facilities of each period, their related conditions and mutual relations. Additionally, the tobacco industry linkage of Taichung Tobacco District interpreted by plates serves as a very important record of remaining industrial facilities.


2002 《臺灣的古地圖:日治時期》。臺北:遠足文化事業股份有限公司。
2004 《臺灣的菸業》。臺北:遠足文化事業股份有限公司。
