  • 學位論文


The Study of the Public Hall during the Japanese Colonial Period in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃士娟


公會堂建築為都市近代化與殖民需求下而出現的建築類型,主要作為公眾集會及社會教育場所。日治以前,臺灣傳統生活若有需要聚集群眾時,往往在地方上的大型廟埕舉行,是一種鬆散不易由官方主導的行為。 明治維新實施富國強兵政策,產業革命使國家的財政進步、人民經濟水準提升,但也產生了勞工運動、社會主義思想擴散以及都市快速發展導致的農村衰敗等問題。為此,日本政府發起了「地方改良運動」,培養具有明確國家意識的國民,其中獎勵地方設置公會堂即是其中一種具體的方法。 日治初期,臺、日勢力壁壘分明,反映在聚落空間結構中。新式活動的引入以及商業發展的需求,使臺、日雙方也嘗試在此新式建築中找到彼此的「合作」模式。一九二○年代,殖民地臺灣一方面跟隨內地政策推行地方自治,加上地方發展需求,使公會堂被大量地興建,另一方面隨著民族主義思潮在世界各地蔓延,殖民統治遇到極大的挑戰,公會堂也成為新式思想傳播與當權者控制、思想改造的角力場。一九三○年代,隨著戰事逼近,公會堂成為了皇民化教育政策的執行地點之一,使其政治色彩更加濃厚。 公會堂建築的設置與都市或聚落的發展息息相關,此類型建築的研究,可以了解臺灣日治時期「半官方」類型的建築形式,也可以藉由其興建過程的探索,一窺日治時期「半官方」組織的運作。


Public Halls are one of the architectural types under urban modernization and colonial demand. They are built for purpose of public assembly and social education. Before the Japanese Colonial Period in Taiwan, people usually gather together in the temple courtyard to discuss public affairs. The gathering is held by private groups so it is hard to control by dominator. The Meiji Reform made Japan into a rich and strong country, but also caused some of problems like labor movement, socialist thought spread up and rural area decline. In order to solve those problems, Japan government campaigned the “Rural Area Reform Movement” in order to cultivate citizens which have clearly national consciousness. Setting Public Halls as one of incentive ways to achieve the goal. The colonized and colonizer had their own influence during the early Japanese Colonial Period in Taiwan. It is reflected on the settlement structure of spaces. Due to the new type of social intercourse and the need of business development, the colonized and colonizer try to find their “cooperation mode” to help each other get most profit. There are many Public Halls had been built in the colony of Taiwan during the 1920s because colonizer implements Local Self-Government system and the need of local development. With Trend nationalism spread throughout the world colonization confronted with great challenges. The Public Halls became a wrestling field between the spread of new ideas and the ruling of colonial authorities. With the war approaching, Public Halls became one of the locations for the Kominka Education Policy during the 1930s. And it makes Public Halls have more political overtones. The setting of the Public Halls is related with urban development very much. We can understand semiofficial building type during the Japanese Colonial Period in Taiwan by studying Public Halls. We can also understand semiofficial organization operation by exploring construction process of Public Halls.


2011 《雲林縣采訪冊》。臺南市:國立臺灣歷史博物館。
