  • 學位論文


Living with the Forest : the Case of Two Art Projects “The Project for Making a Forest” and “Stone and Tree”

指導教授 : 林宏璋


〈給一個造林計畫〉 及 〈石與樹〉 開始於筆者在荒野保護協會擔任推廣講師時思考「此刻人與自然的距離?」的提問。對於生態的理解從當代生態學開始、深層生態學到瓜塔里(Pierre-Felix Guattari,1930-1992)的《三個生態學》(The Three Ecologies),三種不同生態學建構了三種不同的自然觀點及人與自然間關係的意義。《關係美學》(Relational Aesthetic)作者策展人尼可拉•布希歐(Nicolas Bourriaud)在文中引用瓜塔里的混沌(Chaosmosis)為其美學理論的基礎,布希歐將關係美學視為別於以物件為主軸的創作形式。瓜塔里哲學的討論對象是主體化不是主體,重點在由異質元素組織的聚合物而不是相異物彼此間的比較,沿著瓜塔里對混沌的思考,在本論文中提出一種強調主體化及包含各種異質性為特色的關係美學-「共生關係美學」(living-together relational aesthetic)。 思考如何以共生關係美學概念回應「此刻人與自然的距離?」,在〈給一個造林計畫〉及〈石與樹〉製作執行時對自然意義的詮釋有別於筆者過去熟悉環境運動者或環境科學家的自然,希望藝術計畫中透過藝術計畫去連結本屬不同性質的事物。如同瓜塔里強調的倫理-美學範式般,〈給一個造林計畫〉及〈石與樹〉提供參與者一個尚未被認證或被理解的自然想像,穿越大家已熟悉的批判式慣性思維,進入與自然共生的藝術經驗。


The participatory artistic projects, “The Project for Making a Forest” and “Stone and Tree”, come from the idea of questioning the relationship between human and nature. Studying ecology with scientific Ecology, deep ecology and Felix Guattari’s Three Ecology, I view different image of nature by these different conceptions. Moreover, the consequence of the previous question would receive various result by them. In Relational Aesthetic, Nicolas Bourriaud applied Guattari’s Chaosmosis to establish his theory and mentioned that the relation as an alternative artistic strategic for artists against object artwork. However, the main point of Guattari’s theory is relative subjectification but not subject. It explains the dynamic relationship as living together with different elements but not comparing with others. Therefore, referring the discussion of Guattari’s ecologic theory, I propose the idea of living-together relational aesthetic and utilize it to discuss my previous artistic projects. How to answer the question described above and image the relationship between human and nature by thinking the notion of living-together relational aesthetic? In my two artistic projects, the content of nature is different with the nature which I had learned before. In these two projects, every ecology elements connect others with the unique relationship and then participates experienced a unexpected nature. The nature presents and goes through our habit of critic thinking. In end, it show us the path of living together with nature.


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Bishop, Claire. Artificial Hells: Participatory Art and the Politics of Spectatorship. London and New York: Verso, 2012. Print.
Deleuze, Gilles and Felix Guattari. Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia. 1983. Trans. Robert Hurley, Michel Foucault, and Mark Seem. London: Penguin Classics, 2009. Print.
Guattari, Felix. "On Contemporary Art, Interview with Oliver Zahm" The Guattari Effect. 1992. Ed. Eric Alliez and Andrew Goffey. Trans. Stephen Zepke. London & New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2011b. Print.
