  • 學位論文


The administrative effectiveness of Tainan city and county governments merge

指導教授 : 曾信超


2010年12月25日南瀛分治65年後,以「文化首都」之名合併升格為直轄市,其面臨原縣市及鄉鎮市等行政組織整併、雙行政中心運作模式、人力資源、財政匱乏、建設需求及城鄉如何均衡發展等之考驗。因此,本研究係針對臺南縣市政府合併後在組織面與治理面之變革,探討其於行政效益產生何種治理上之問題。本研究主要目的:1.藉由法規制度面整體規劃探討臺南縣市合併後對都市所帶來行政效率之問題;2.藉由縣市財產開發策略以了解臺南縣市合併後對影響都市產生經濟效益之問題,俾利提供臺南縣市區域合併後行政效益管理規劃、因應措施與建議之參考。 本研究採用質性研究法,藉由文獻分析法、深度訪談法等途徑,探究臺南縣市合併後其行政之效益。研究調查結果顯示,改制升格後之臺南市於『五都市長就任1年施政滿意度』、『五都友善幸福安全指數』、『居住城市光榮感』、『快樂指數』、『路平專案執行成果滿意度』、『市民福利和行政效率』之各項施政效益評比中均高居五都之首。 自臺南縣市合併至今,於行政效益均獲得高度肯定與支持下,臺南成為文化首都、科技新城、觀光樂園、最宜居之城市。


Nanying was separated to Tainan city and Tainan County for 65 years and upgraded to a municipality “cultural capital" on December 25, 2010. After that Tainan city are facing organization merged to dual administrative center. There are so many operation problems happen. It is very difficult to balance the human resources, finance need and difference between town and country. This thesis is studing that merger of the Tainan City Government and explore its administrative effectiveness issues. The purposes of this study are following. First, explore the efficiency of administration after Tainan combined form legal structure point view. Second, understand The Great Tainan development strategy. It will be including that impact of economic benefit sand management planning. This study used a qualitative research method which includes document analysis, in-depth interviews and other ways to explore Tainan merged its administrative effectiveness. The study results are following, First, Tainan City mayor administration satisfaction survey in five municipalities. Second, five are friendly, happiness and safe Index. Third, the city residential pride index. Fouth, public welfare and administrative efficiency index and finally, Lu Ping project. The implementation results of satisfaction is the highest of five municipalities . After merger of Tainan city that administrative efficiency is received high degree of recognition. Taiwan become Capital of Culture, Science and Technology town, sightseeing park and most livable city. Keyword :Cities and counties combined; administrative efficiency;the region merging


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