  • 學位論文


The Study of Social Worker at Tainan City Disability Agency Feel the Supervisory Functions, Job Satisfaction, and Intention to Stay

指導教授 : 蔡青芬


臺南市身心障礙福利機構主要提供身心障礙者就學、就養、資源連結及家庭支持的服務。社工員在其中扮演很重要的角色,但時常產生崩熬的情形。研究者透過自身經驗,欲探討機構中督導功能發揮情形,期待透過研究了解現況,提供實務方面的參考與建議。 經蒐集相關文獻,比較分析後,發現相關文獻對於督導功能相關之議題多以量化分析呈現,無法深入探究社工員在此歷程中的主觀感受。因此,研究者使用質性研究方法之訪談法。為了擴展訪談資料的深度與廣度,訪談8位在職的社工員與3位已離職社工員,共11位社工員進行訪談。透過研究者的提問、討論及觀察,探討督導功能的重要性,以及社工員的工作滿意度與留任意願之情形。 研究發現如下:一、社工員接受內部與外部督導,督導模式分為個別與團體督導。二、兩種督導模式各有功能與限制,內部督導偏重於行政功能和支持功能,外聘督導則以教育功能為主。三、督導功能發揮,對社工員的工作滿意度及留任意願有正向影響。 根據研究發現,提出建議如下:一、機構應重視督導功能對於社工員之影響,提供相關配套措施,以提升督導角色與功能。二、機構重視督導者的專業知識與技巧,督導應受過系統化的督導訓練,以提升服務品質。三、機構應正視社工員需求,提升督導與社工員之互動關係,降低社工員工作壓力,增加工作滿意度與留任意願。藉由本研究探討督導功能發揮之現況,針對需要改善部分提供建議,有助於提升服務品質,期盼能提供未來社會工作督導制度的參考。


Tainan city disability agency to provide handicapped school principal, on support, resources, links and family support services. Social workers in which to play a very important role, but often there is a born-out situation. The researchers due to their own experience, I want to explore the mechanism of supervising the functioning of the situation, look through the study to understand the current situation, terms of reference and to provide practical advice. After collecting the relevant literature, after a comparative analysis of the literature found that issues related to the supervisory functions of the multi-analysis to quantify the presentation, you cannot delve into the social workers in the course of subjective feelings. Therefore, the researchers adopted a method of qualitative research interviews. In order to expand the depth and breadth of interviews, job interviews eight social workers and three social workers have left a total of 11 interviews with a social worker. Importance by researchers to ask questions, discuss and observe, explore steering function, and a social worker in the case of job satisfaction and intention to stay. The study found the following: First, the social worker subject to internal and external supervision, supervisory mode is divided into individual and group supervision. Second, the two kinds of supervisory models have features and limitations, internal supervisory emphasis on administrative functions and support functions, the main function of the external supervision of places of education. Third, supervisors functioning, social workers have a positive impact on job satisfaction and intention to stay. Based on the findings, recommendations are as follows: First, the institutions should pay attention to the impact of supervisory functions of social workers to provide relevant supporting measures to enhance supervisory roles and functions. Second, the institutional emphasis on professional knowledge and skills of supervisors, supervisors should be trained supervisors systematic training to improve service quality. Third, the agency should address the needs of social workers, social workers and supervisors to enhance the interaction of relationships, social workers work to reduce stress, increase job satisfaction and intention to stay. With this study was to investigate the functioning of supervisory status, for the need to improve the section offers suggestions to help improve service quality, and look forward to the future of social work supervisors to provide a reference system.


王郁智、章淑娟, 朱正一(2006)。志為護理-慈濟護理雜誌,5:4,90-101。


