  • 學位論文


A Study of Key Success Factors in Different ERP Implementation Phases-A Case Study Of Information electron industry

指導教授 : 何財能


由於企業面臨的挑戰日趨嚴峻,對企業內部而言,提升即時傳遞和產生正確的資料及資訊能力是首要之工作,而為了達成這些目標,越來越多企業已開始規劃導入企業資源規劃系統;目前雖有許多探討ERP 系統導入關鍵成功因素的議題與研究,但將關鍵成功因素分階段探討之研究卻寥寥無幾,本研究希望可以幫助資訊電子業釐清導入ERP 各階段成功之要因,作為業界導入ERP 系統時管理的參考。 本研究經由文獻將導入ERP 系統過程分為三個階段,分別為:系統導入目標階段、決策執行與系統設置階段、系統上線與維護階段;接著進行模糊德菲法專家問卷調查分析,分別篩選出19、18、15項具專家共識的評估準則之架構;再透過模糊層級分析法之問卷調查分析,逐步分析排序各構面之重要性程度。 最後,找出各階段之關鍵成功因素外,再將三階段取權重最高之前六位作為此研究整個導入階段最重要之六個關鍵成功因素,分別為:企業政策與資源中的「高階主管的支持、參與、暸解」、「企業能提供足夠預算和資源」,專案組織的「各階段各部門皆有人員投入專案組織」、「各階段皆有足夠人力維護系統正常運作」,顧問服務特質中的「顧問可提供實務上之經驗整合內部流程」、「能建立與分析導入成本效益衡量指標」共計六項關鍵成功因素,作為資訊電子業導入ERP 系統關鍵成功因素。


Because the enterprises need to face more and more difficult challenge, the most important task for them is to enhance information processing ability for transmitting correct data in time. To achieve these goals, more and more enterprises start to introduce ERP system. But there are only a few researches discussing the key success factors while implementing ERP in different phases. We hope this research can benefit information & electronic industry inducting ERP system. This research redacts ERP system for three phases by way of literature review: (1 ) The system inducts the goal phase, (2 ) The policy-making administration and the system establishment phase, ( 3 ) The system online and the maintenance phase. And then we conducted expert questionnaire investigating and sifting items 19、18、15 factors by the way of Fuzzy Delphi Method to establish key success factors while implementing ERP in three phases. After analyzing questionnaire investigating, we extract 6 key success factors for information & electronic industry in all phases, which are manager's intensive support, participation, understanding, The enterprise providing enough budget and resource, the project organization with enough leadership power and resources, risk and project leader with innovation managed capacity, The project members having communicative ability and so on.


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