  • 學位論文

《The Oil Factor》中譯與譯評

The Translation and Commentary of "The Oil factor"

指導教授 : 李憲榮


本論文旨在探討筆者翻譯史蒂芬.李柏(Stephen Leeb)與唐娜.李柏(Donna Leeb)所著《石油效應》(The Oil Factor)一書(第一章至第九章)的心得。本論文共分為七章。第一章說明本篇論文的研究動機、研究目的與研究方法。第二章簡介作者生平及原著內容。第三章為《石油效應》一書第一章至第九章的譯文。第四章介紹筆者在翻譯前所做的準備,並探討翻譯過程中所遭遇的困難及解決方式。第五章分析筆者在翻譯過程中所採取的翻譯技巧。第六章則比較筆者譯文與原譯文的不同。第七章為結論,總結筆者的心得與建議。


This thesis contains the author’s translation of the source book The Oil Factor (Chapter 1 to 9) by Stephen Leeb and Donna Leeb and discusses what the author has learned from the process of translating the book. This thesis is divided into seven chapters. Chapter One introduces the motive, the purpose, and the research method of this thesis. Chapter Two gives a brief introduction of the author of the source book and its content. Chapter Three is the translated text of The Oil Factor (Chapter 1 to 9). Chapter Four illustrates the author’s preparation before translating, the difficulties encountered during translating, and how this author deals with the difficulties. Chapter Five is an analysis of the translation techniques involved. Chapter Six is the comparison between the translation text of the author and of the original translator. Chapter Seven summarizes the author’s overall thoughts and recommendations.


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