  • 學位論文


Key Success Factors Of Chinese Medicine Clinics Operating

指導教授 : 曾信超


本研究研究台灣地區中醫診所面對嚴峻的環境經營的策略,也進一步了解社會大眾對對中醫診所經營的期待為何,並欲替未來中醫診所之發展歸納一個預測藍圖,以供中醫醫療院所經營參考。 欲中醫診所經營之關鍵成功因素,根據Grant(1995)同時滿足競爭求存和顧客需求兩方面的架構。競爭求存方面採用Leidecker and Bruno(1984)研究關鍵成功因素八大方法中的產業/企業專家法,研究工具為Helmer and Gordon(1946)創立的德菲法(Delphi method),也是本研究之重要精神和研究基礎。顧客需求方面採用依李克特量尺(Likert scale)製作之結構式問卷,問卷發放台南市和部分高雄地區,採隨機抽樣方式發放300份問卷,回收119份,回收率為39.7%,使用SPSS軟體分析統計, Cronbach α為0.847,折半信度分析的形式相關系數為0.596,為有效信度檢驗,並滿足內容效度和專家效度檢驗。分析結果T值範圍在50.751~80.098之間,卡方檢定值為38.807 ~135.412,顯示研究結果有顯著意義。 德菲法調查之專家小組經三輪德菲法的反覆間接交鋒與探討,對中醫診所之經營所有成功要見形成共識,認為『診所設置地點』、『醫師溝通技巧』、『醫師醫術優良』、『服務人員親切且專業』、『診所營運成本管控』、『結合發展醫學美容和減重等潮流性醫學』、『診所環境乾淨明亮寬敞』、『發展診所的專長科別或獨特性』等8項為”中醫診所經營之關鍵成功因素”(專家版)。 結構式問卷資料分析顯示民眾較認同之成功要件,依敘述統計的平均數分別為由高至低依序為『醫師溝通技巧』(4.48)、『醫師醫術優良』(4.46)、『服務人員親切且專業』(4.19)、『診所環境乾淨明亮寬敞』(4.17)、『患者追蹤與建立聯絡資訊網』(4.12)、『多元化傷科復健的空間與設備』(4.08)等6項,為”中醫診所經營之關鍵成功因素”( 民眾版)。 其中『多元化傷科復健的空間與設備』專家小組普遍認為這些治療確不一定是必要性的,反有可能養成民眾就醫的壞習慣,違背健保原則和減少診所收益,排除在中醫診所經營之關鍵成功因素之外。 統合專家小組和一般民眾對中醫診所經營之關鍵成功因素結論,歸納研究結果:為『醫師溝通技巧』、『醫師醫術優良』、『服務人員親切且專業』、『診所環境乾淨明亮寬敞』、『患者追蹤與建立聯絡資訊網』、『診所設置地點』、『診所營運成本管控』、『結合發展醫學美容和減重等潮流性醫學』、『發展診所的專長科別或獨特性』等9項為”中醫診所經營之關鍵成功因素”。


The main goal of this research is to find a strategy in Taiwan Chinese medicine clinics, in the face of serious environmental, but also to further understand the expectations about Chinese medicine clinics of the public. A prediction for the future of Chinese medicine clinics will be made, as a induction blueprint for Chinese medicine hospitals and clinics operating reference. For the key success factors of Chinese medicine clinics operating, according to Grant (1995), are shown while meeting both competition for survival and customer needs. Related to competition for survival, Leidecker and Bruno (1984) method of the eight key success factors. One of them is the industry / business experts. And research tools is used with Delphi method from Helmer and Gordon (1946), but also in this study an important spiritual and research base. About customer demand, we made structured questionnaire refer to the Likert-scale.The questionnaires was sent at Tainan City and part of the Kaohsiung area, we collected a random sample of payment of 300 questionnaires, 119 recovered, the recovery was 39.7%. Using the SPSS software statistical analysis, reliability and validity are satisfied. Three Delphi method repeatedly encounters and explore by Panel of Experts was done, to reach a consensus on all the success elements of Chinese medicine clinics. They believe that there are 8 key success factors of Chinese medicine clinics operated by (expert):『Clinic locations』,『The communication skills of the physician』,『Physician competence』,『The service staff is friendly and professional』,『Clinic operating costs control』,『Combined with the development of medical beauty and weight loss』,『The clinic environment is clean and bright and spacious』,『The development of clinics specializing in divisions or unique』. Structured questionnaire data analysis shows that the people agree with some of the success elements. In accordance with the descriptive statistics of the average, scores from highest to the lowest are ordered: 『The communication skills of the physician』(4.48), 『Physician competence』 (4.46), 『The service staff is friendly and professional』 (4.19), 『The clinic environment is clean and bright and spacious』 (4.17), 『Patient tracking, and to establish contact information』 (4.12),『Diversified rehabilitation equipment』 (4.08) , as key success factors of Chinese medicine clinics operated by (the public). About Diversified rehabilitation equipment, the Panel considers that such treatment is unnecessary, and contrary to the health care principles and reduce the income of the clinic, excluded from the key success factors of Chinese medicine clinics operated by. The integration of the Panel of Experts and the public's views about success elements, summarized the findings: 『The communication skills of the physician』,『Physician competence』、『The service staff is friendly and professional』,『The clinic environment is clean and bright and spacious』,『Patient tracking, and to establish contact information』,『Clinic locations』,『Clinic operating costs control』,『Combined with the development of medical beauty and weight loss』,『The development of clinics specializing in divisions or unique』are “the key success factors of Chinese medicine clinics operated by” of this study.


10.林昭庚主編(2004),全聯會台灣中醫發展史 : 中華民國中醫師公會全國聯合會沿革曁台灣中醫發展沿革,台北市中醫師公會出版。


