  • 學位論文


The study of the key success factors that lead to an ideal eldercare

指導教授 : 曾信超 博士


摘 要 台灣地區自民國八十二年起六十五歲以上人口比例大於7%,即達到世界衛生組織所定義的老化社會,而且台灣地區人口老化速度遠高於歐美先進國家,同時家庭結構與工商社會環境的遽變,使得銀髮族長期照護相關需求更為殷切,面對未來長期照護機構需求日增,為提高住民及其家屬使用長期照護機構之意願;為此,照護內容之提供必須不斷推陳出新,符合及滿足銀髮住民需求。 本研究先探尋關鍵成功因素的相關文獻探討,以「德菲法」邀請三位專家進行訪談,後以「專家意見諮詢問卷」,建構出關鍵成功因素的層級架構,歸結四個主要構面,為住民服務、人員專業、硬體環境與資源應用,以及十六個次要構面因素。再發放綜合有經營、醫療、護理、財務等背景的AHP專家問卷,利用AHP層級分析法歸納分析專家們的意見,研究結果顯示四個主要構面中,『人員專業』最受專家們正視,佔主構面的權重值為41.3%,而十六個次要構面因素中,整體權重排序較高的前六項即最為理想銀髮世界的最關鍵成功因素,六項依序為:『一、幫助長者心理適應規劃17.2%』,『二、供應多元化的飲食需求16.9%』,『三、幫助長者提昇身體功能12.9%』,『四、架構享受家的感覺12.3%』,『五、規劃多元銀髮學員學程7.1%』,『六、退休人員可負擔的費用6.5%』。 本研究也以研究生本人所任職服務之佳醫集團轉投資的子公司【英屬蓋曼群島商Asia Best Healthcare佳醫(股)公司ABH】,在護養中心這區塊的據點建置為樣本;此護養機構所經營的區塊落在高自費服務水準之型態為經營訴求,人員以及環境的架構極為專業,與本研究所探究之後的關鍵成功因素主要、次要構面非常符合。 而理想的銀髮世界就經營角度而言就是一個商機,佳醫集團以其經營單科的經驗與因應時代現況需求所開展的一個新事業體;其在目前養護機構環境中的特色以及對社會所產生的貢獻將試著與研究主題比對探討,本研究所產生的最終結果及層級架構最關鍵成功因素可供做長期照護產業經營策略之參考。


ABSTRACT Since 1993, more than 7% of the Taiwanese population is over 65 years of age, the Taiwanese society has became an aging society as defined by World Health Organization. The aging trend is rising more rapidly than any other European and American countries, making long term care for elderly is eagerly needed. The Taiwanese society faces the desirous need of developing long term care facilities and the necessity of promoting long term care services for its residents. Therefore, long term care facility must provide the most modern elder care in order to satisfy the elder residents. This study discusses the relevant research studies of success factors in eldercare and uses “Delphi method” to interview three experts to devise the questionnaire. The possible success factors are made in the content of questionnaires that relates to four main categories, which are resident service, caregiver professionalism, facility condition and resources available to residents. There are also 16 sub-categories in the questionnaire. The questionnaires are distributed to the AHP experts whose backgrounds are management, medical, nursing and finance, etc. The AHP level analysis is utilized to study the results of the questionnaires. Among four categories in the questionnaire, the result indicates that AHP experts value the most about the professionalism of caregivers. The percentage of this category has reached 41.3% of the all. Moreover, the most valued top six sub-categories are the success factors for building ideal eldercare. They are 1).assist elder in psychological developments (17.2%). 2).provide various choice of food (16.9%). 3).assist elder to develop physical ability (12.9%). 4).provide family oriented environment(12.3%). 5).provide recreational class (7.1%). 6).provide affordable service (6.5%). This study also takes sampling from one long term care facility that operated by Asia Best Healthcare. The fact that this long term care facility operates with high-end services, luxurious environment and professional personnel is congruent to the success factors from this study. Considering an ideal eldercare in business point of view is indeed a great business opportunity. Excelsior Medical group takes the experience from its management and society demands to operate a new business. The relationship between the distinguishing feature of the high-end facility and the contribution to the society is also discussed and compared with this study. The final result and the key success factors discovered from this study are able to provide as resources of strategic making for long term care facilities.




