  • 學位論文


A Study on Key Success Factors of Single-store Operation in Optical Industry

指導教授 : 李元墩
共同指導教授 : 蔡淑敏


近數年來,台灣眼鏡市場出現急遽變化,眼科醫院、眼科診所亦跨足眼鏡的驗配銷售,大型眼鏡連鎖店快速擴展店數,也利用電視、廣告媒體進行強勢宣傳與大打低價促銷戰,嚴重擠壓了台灣眼鏡業單店的生存空間。然而在激烈的市場競爭中,仍有很多經營出色,業績良好的眼鏡單店,為了瞭解優質單店經營成功的因素,以作為其他眼鏡業單店經營策略擬定之參考,本研究將深入探討眼鏡業單店經營的關鍵成功因素。 本研究首先蒐集關鍵成功因素的相關文獻探討,並邀請兩位經營績效良好的眼鏡業單店經營專家進行深度訪談,再以專家意見諮詢問卷,諮詢九位擁有眼鏡業豐富經營實務經驗的專家學者意見,綜合專家學者們的寶貴建議,建構出眼鏡業單店經營關鍵成功因素的層級架構,分別為四個主要構面:經營與管理、行銷及銷售、店家的條件、產品的條件,以及二十個次要構面因素,再分別由北部地區、中部地區、南部地區共邀請十五位擁有十年以上眼鏡業實務經驗的績優單店負責人、店長參與填寫AHP專家問卷,最後利用層級分析法(AHP)歸納分析眼鏡業專家學者們的意見,研究結果顯示四個主要構面中,「產品的條件」最受專家學者們重視,二十個次要構面因素中,整體權重排序較高的前七項因素為眼鏡業單店經營關鍵成功因素,依序為:1.服務品質與態度,2.掌握流行資訊,3.專業服務人員,4.產品品質特色,5.顧客關係管理,6.知名商品品牌,與7.產品的獲利性。本研究結果及建構的層級架構可供眼鏡業單店經營策略擬定之參考。


The optical market in Taiwan appears rapid change in recent years. Eye hospitals and eye clinics enter glasses fitting and sales as well as large-scale glasses chain stores rapidly expand the stores by the propaganda and promotion through televisions and media that the single-stores in optical industry can hardly survive. Nonetheless, a lot of single glasses stores still present excellent management and favorable performance in such a fiercely competitive market. This study aims to discuss the key success factors in quality single-store operation as the reference for other single-store operation strategies in optical industry. The research on Key Success Factors was first collected; two single-store operation experts in optical industry were further proceeded in-depth interviews, and nine experienced experts and researchers in optical industry were consulted with consulting expert opinion questionnaires. With above suggestions, the hierarchy of Key Success Factors in single-store operation in optical industry was established with four major dimensions of operation and management, marketing and sales, requirement for stores, and requirement for products, and twenty factors in sub-dimensions. Furthermore, fifteen quality single-store managers with more than ten-year experiences in optical industry in northern, central, and southern areas were invited to fill in the AHP expert questionnaires. Finally, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was applied to analyze the opinions of experts and researchers in optical industry. The research outcomes show that requirement for products is commonly emphasized by experts, and the top seven key success factors in single-store operation in optical industry contain 1.service quality and attitude, 2.mastering of fashion information, 3.professional service personnel, 4.characteristics of product quality, 5.customer relationship management, 6.famous brand, and 7.profitability of products. The research outcomes and the established hierarchy could be the reference for formulating single-store operation strategies in optical industry.


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