  • 學位論文


A Study of Service Satisfaction Factors for Nonprofit Organizations’ Service: A Case of Chinese Adventist Education Association Center

指導教授 : 李元墩


許多文獻指出,青少年時期的自我概念跟人際關係是未來發展的重要關鍵,三育青少年假日訓練學校是一個以冒險教育為主要服務的非營利組織,其目標在於幫助青少年自我成長與健全發展,而在非營利組織的績效評鑑上,最重要的是服務對象的需求與目標的達成,故本研究採立意抽樣法(Purposive Sampling),以三育青少年假日訓練學校學生之家長為主要調查對象,運用問卷調查方式針對48位家長進行調查,而後透過AHP層級分析法分析影響三育青少年假日訓練學校服務滿意度的因素。 根據研究結果,本研究歸納之影響服務滿意度有「機構形象、活動成效、服務品質、設備支援」等四個主要構面。並且每一個主構面又細分為四個次構面。影響服務滿意度共有16個次要構面。 (一)「機構形象」主構面涵蓋:1.機構知名度、2.機構發展願景、3.曾經參加者之口碑、4.媒體正向報導等四個次構面。 (二)「活動成效」主構面包括:1.學業改善成效、2.動態學習成效、3.團隊學習成效、4.自我成長成效等四個次構面。 (三)「服務品質」主構面涵蓋:1.機構人員服務品質、2.志工服務品質、3.互動服務品質、4.活動設計品質等四個次構面。 (四)「設備支援」主構面包括:1.靜態學習場地設備、2. 動態活動場地設備、3.單車相關支援設備、4.整體營隊生活支援等四個次構面。 研究結果顯示活動成效與服務品質是最重要的影響構面,故三育青少年假日訓練學校在提供服務時最需要注意的關鍵所在除了在活動設計上要更用心,執行上更落實,還需要透過後續互動追蹤來瞭解成效是否持續。 最後研究者並對三育青少年假日訓練學校、家長、青少年、政府及後續研究者提出相關建議。


Previous studies pointed out that young people’s self-concept and interpersonal relationships in the adolescence are the crucial key to their future development. The Chinese Adventist Education Association Center is a non-profit organization which can provide diverse activities based on adventure education for young people and help them achieve self-growth and well-development. The most important thing of performance evaluation of the non-profit organization is the client’s needs and the achievement of the goals, so this study used purposive sampling to select 48 parents, then analysis of AHP to find out factors affecting the Chinese Adventist Education Association Center’s service satisfaction. Based on the findings, the study summed up four main dimensions which affect service satisfaction. They are the image of institution, effectiveness of the activities, quality of service, and equipment support. And each main dimension subdivided into four small items. Therefore, 16 sub-dimensions of service satisfaction are as follows: The dimention of “Institution image” includes the visibility of institutional, the development vision of institutional, the reputation of the participants, and positive media coverage. The dimention of “activities effectiveness” includes the effectiveness of studies, the effectiveness of dynamic learning, the effectiveness of team learning, and the effectiveness of self-growth. The dimention of “service quality” includes the quality of service of agency workers, the quality of service of volunteers, the quality of Interactive services, and the quality of design activities. The dimention of “equipment support” includes the equipment of learning space, the equipment of event space, bicycle-related support, and camping-relate dsupport. The results showed that the effectiveness of the activities and service quality were the most important impact dimensions. So, when the Chinese Adventist Education Association Center designs and implements activities, they need to pay more attention and follow-up if the effectiveness sustained. Based on the research results, recommendation references and practice implications would provide for the Chinese Adventist Education Association Center, adolescents, the government as well as future researchers.


陳澤義(1992)。何謂非營利組織?經濟前瞻,28 ,P179 – 180。


