  • 學位論文


The Impact of Welling-being and Personality Traits on Purchase Intentions to Luxury Goods

指導教授 : 何怡慧


隨著時代的演進和生活水準的提高,以及近年來奢侈品在全球市場中快速成長,消費者購買奢侈品的原因和動機與過去截然不同,新世代的消費者開始重視精神層面的滿足,而幸福感可使個人發現並了解自我價值,進而從中獲得滿足,也是個人在一生中想達到的目標和理想;個人的人格特質則是有別於他人的個人行為,對於個人之需求滿足和目的之達成有非常重要的促進作用。 幸福感和人格特質普遍被認為是影響個人行為及決策的重要依據,因此亦可能影響對奢侈品的購物意圖。然而,目前較少研究針對個人幸福感與人格特質兩項變數來探討奢侈品購物意圖,故本研究以問卷方式進行資料收集,並以台灣地區民眾作為研究對象,探討個人幸福感與人格特質對於奢侈品購物意圖之影響,並納入受測者之人口基本變項一同探討。 本研究結果發現,在幸福感方面,「自我肯定」構面對奢侈品購物意圖有顯著正向影響;在人格特質方面,「外向性」與「嚴謹性」兩項人格特質對奢侈品購物意圖有顯著正向影響;而在人口基本變項方面,本研究受測者之「教育程度」與奢侈品購物意圖有顯著正向關係,但「月平均收入」則對奢侈品購物意圖有顯著負向影響。


Motives of purchasing luxuries have changed dramatically due to the evolution and improvement of living standards and the increasing numbers of luxury goods in the global market. New generation consumers begin to pay more attention to the spiritual rather than material satisfactions when purchasing luxuries. Well-being is the ultimate goal of human lives, which enables to explore one’s values and spiritual satisfactions. In addition, personality traits are distinct characteristics, which facilitate the satisfaction of personal demands and the achievement of goals. Well-being and personality traits are generally consider the basis of human behavior and decisions, and therefore may influence the purchase intentions to luxury goods. However, little study has found to investigate the impact of well-being and personality traits on luxury purchase. Accordingly, the study uses questionnaires and takes Taiwanese people as research subjects to explore the impact of well-being, personality traits, and demographic variables on purchase intentions to luxury goods. Findings of the study indicate that the self-certainty dimension of personal well-being has significant positive influence on purchase intentions to luxury goods. As to the personality traits, the study finds that the extroversion and rigorous personality have significant positive impact on purchase intentions to luxury goods. In addition, respondents’ education levels reveal significant positive impact on purchase intentions of luxury goods; nevertheless, the average monthly income has significant negative influence on purchase intentions to luxury goods.


