  • 學位論文


Study on Knowledge Requirements for Labor Inspectors Performing Inspection on Petrochemical Plants in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳振和


近三年來國內石化業發二十多起工安事故,對國內造成巨大的衝擊,甚至廣受國際間矚目。勞動檢查人員或代檢人員對於執行石化廠勞動檢查之製程及相關石化廠檢查技術上知能與證照需求,尤其是石化廠檢查最重要之管線檢查及壓力容器檢查,是否需要與國際接軌,是否具有一般國際公認的美國石化工業協會之執行管線檢查API 570及執行壓力容器檢查API 510之知能或證照才能執行相關檢查,在國內引起廣大之探討。 本研究對於國際公認之相關知能與證照進行問卷調查探討研究,本問卷調查分為三大族群共回收:勞動檢查單位61份、石油與化學業者78、份、專家學者則有42份,合計181份。 結果顯示:93% 接受調查人員認為API 510為勞動檢查人員執行勞動檢查須具備之基本知識;94% 認為需要具備API 570知識才能執行勞動檢查;60% 更認為需要具備API頒發之API 510證照,始具執行壓力容器勞動檢查基本資格;62% 認為具有API 570證照才能執行石化廠管線檢查;石化業者及專家學者更有76%認為勞動檢查員需具API壓力容器檢查員證照;72%認需須具有管線檢查員證照使得從事勞動檢查,顯然目前一般對勞動檢查員對執行勞動檢查所需要的API知能與證照,有非常大的落差。石化廠製程安全管理重要性的認知,則是以員工參與最為重要。 顯見勞動檢查員需具API 管線檢查及壓力容器檢查證照,是有相當的共識,此亦是世界潮流,希望政府單位能從善如流,勿再閉門造車。


There have been many fire and explosion incidents among Taiwan petrochemical plants for the last three years. It has caused not only huge impact in Taiwan but also caused very much international attention. The knowledge and certifications required for labor inspectors to perform labor inspection have raised very much concern especially whether inspectors required API 510 and API 570 knowlege and certificate in order to be able to perform labor inspections. The study was to conduct qestionaire study on these issues among labor inspectors, petrochemical professional and other experts. The questionnaire was divided into three main groups: 61 labour inspectors, 78 petroleum and chemical industry professionals, and 42 experts and scholars, totaling 181. The results: 93 % thinks that it is necessary to have API 510 knowledge to perform pressure vessels inspection and 94% for API 570 knowledge. 60% thinks that it is required to have API 510 certificates to be able to perform pressure vessel inspection and even higher to 62% on API 570. There are 76% pertrochemial professionals, scholars and experts believes that an API 510 certificate is required and 72% thinks an API 570 certificate is required to be qualified to perform labor inspection. Apparently, this is much higher than the reults from inspectors. Employees’ participation is the nost important issue on process safety management. From this study, it is very important for labor inspector to have API certificate to perform labor inspection. This is also the trend in the world. Hopefully, the government could listen to the voice from outside not self contented.


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2) BBC, BBC News, August 28, 2012.
8) 行政院勞工委員會,自動檢查與勞動檢查,2006。
9) 行政院勞工委員會,勞動檢查常見缺失實例及改善方法製作,2008。


