  • 學位論文


A Study of Relationships among Service Innovation, , Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction on Customer of Gas Station

指導教授 : 莊立民


摘 要 民國七十六年七月加油站民營化,打破了中油一家獨大的局面,市場生態也隨之改變,加油站有如雨後春筍般的出現,面對競爭者不斷增加及嚴峻的環保法規,單打獨鬥的經營方式很難抵擋外在環境的變化。連鎖經營在油品市場中已漸成主流,一對一的競爭方式也演變成為集團與集團間的油品價格戰,面對日漸微薄的利潤,如何透過本研究以創新的經營策略提高顧客滿意度與提升營收,實為當務之急。 本研究主要目的是針對「服務創新」、「服務品質」及「顧客滿意度」作深入分析研討,進而了解服務創新與其他變項的評估與指標,以提供加油站產業一套完備的創新準則與顧客滿意度的依據。研究問卷共發出350份,共回收315份,有效問卷共計273份,透過敘述性統計、因素分析、信效度分析、迴歸分析、皮爾森積差相關分析等五項分析方法來解釋其架構並建立評估指標。本研究結論如下: 1. 「服務創新」有可靠與關懷性發展規劃,對「服務品質」有正向影響。 2. 「服務創新」愈貼近顧客需求,對「顧客滿意度」愈有正向影響。 3. 「服務品質」穩定優質,對「顧客滿意度」有正向影響。 4.「服務創新」推出完善、「服務品質」穩定優質,對「顧客滿意度」愈有正向影響。 關鍵字:服務創新、服務品質、顧客滿意度、加油站產業


Abstract Followed by the Gas station business became a private enterprise, the monopolized market by China Petrol Corp. was fractured in July, 1987. The rule of market competition had also been reversed. The private petrol stations mushroomed all over the major street blocks and intersections. However, to face the rush-in competitors and the increasingly strict environmental regulations, the operation needs a new thought. The single private owner hardly resists the changing market. The chain-store operation has become a new trend in the petrol business. The price competition had also transformed from a single battle to a cooperate war. The purpose of this study is to develop an innovated business strategy to enhance the customers’ satisfaction. This is also the most critical issue now to save the minor margin from the competition. This paper studies service innovation, Innovativeness, service quality and customer satisfaction to gain a better understanding of the evaluation and indicators of service innovation and other aspects of the service station industry. It is expected that the research results will serve as a basis for the service station to prepare comprehensive innovation and customer satisfaction guidelines. The study, we sended 350 copies of questionnaires and returned 315 copies including 273 effective ones, and it attempts to explain the structural framework by establishing evaluation indicators through five analytical processes involving descriptive statistics, factor analysis, reliability analysis, multiple regression analysis, Pearson Product-moment, Correlation Analysis. Based on the empirical results of comparing the statistics and analyses, the paper concludes: 1. Service innovation: A reliable and concerned developing plan will have a positive influence to customers’ satisfaction. 2. The more closed to customers’ need, the more of the service innovation influent the customers’ satisfaction. 3. The stable and high quality service innovation has a positive influence to customers’ satisfaction. 4. The perfection of “Service Innovation” and steady “Service Quality” will has more positive influence to customers’ satisfaction. Key words: Service Innovation, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Gas Station


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