  • 學位論文


Computer System Planning of Workplace Monitoring for an Agency

指導教授 : 張振平


在監測機構工作將近八年,從採樣助理到業務經理,從介質準備、收樣及轉包,這些過程中很多複雜而且耗費人力的作業流程,還有公司面臨到人才流失及新同事接受新工作的適應期太過攏長,在管理階層的主管們思考篩選適合的方法和執行方式,將監測機構、實驗室及公司管理制度做電子化管理,達到降低工作量、有效作業時間及減少人為錯誤為目的。 本研究主要是建立一套符合法規內勞工作業環境監測機構的管理化系統,目前規劃的系統包含八個子系統,包括:使用者權限管理、會計管理、人員組織管理、監測管理,儀器管理、品質分析及樣品分析管理、藥品管理、安衛資訊管理等,其目的希望將原有的採樣機構流程與實驗室流程進行串聯,再搭配上攜帶式裝置的使用,進而減少人力資源,提高工作效率及降低失誤率。 作業環境監測機構中,採樣及實驗室有數以百計的表單,主要軟體可將這些表單自動轉換為各部門所需的表單格式。透過人員、儀器、藥品等管理系統的紀錄,管理者可以有效的評估工作效率、儀器使用、藥品使用等狀況,進一步瞭解公司營運情況。而在安衛資訊管理系統主要功能,是提供客戶端安衛資訊的查詢,進一步瞭解客戶除了在作業環境監測以外的需求,多元化的服務來提高公司品牌價值及客戶滿意度。


In the monitoring agency for nearly eight years,From the sampling assistant to the business manager, from the preparation of media, sampling and subcontracting. These processes are complex and takes a lot of manpower processes, as well as the company faces brain drain and to adapt to new colleagues to accept the new job of rope too long. In the management of the executives think about screening the appropriate methods and implementation methods,Will monitor the organization, laboratory and corporate management system to do electronic management, to reduce the workload, effective operating time and reduce human error for the purpose. This study is mainly to establish a set of regulations in line with the labor environment of environmental monitoring agencies management system. The current planning system includes eight subsystems, including: user rights management, accounting management, personnel organization and management, monitoring and management, instrument management, quality analysis and sample analysis and management, drug management, security information management, the purpose of the original hope The sampling process and the laboratory process in series, and then with the use of portable devices, thereby reducing human resources, improve work efficiency and reduce the error rate. In the operating environment monitoring organization, there are hundreds of forms for sampling and labs. The main software can automatically convert these forms into the form formats required by each department. Through the personnel, equipment, drugs and other management system records, managers can effectively assess the efficiency, instrument use, drug use and other conditions, to further understand the company's operations. In the security information management system, the main function is to provide client security information query, to further understand the customer in addition to operating environment monitoring outside the demand, a wide range of services to improve the company's brand value and customer satisfaction.


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網址: http://www.cc.nctu.edu.tw/~mjchen/wwwdoc1.htm
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