  • 學位論文


Routing Strategies Based on Active Path for Incoming Requests in Wireless Sensor Networks

指導教授 : 柯志鴻




The main operating challenge of the wireless sensor network (WSN) nowadays is the duration of electric power. Many researches’ results have shown that the most electric power consumption is in the part of data transmission. The objective of this research is to find an algorithm to save the power when the operating sensor network includes new sinks. This is achieved by utilizing the active path to extend a new path for passing new sinks inquired data. By doing so, the repeats of data transmission could be reduced and the power is saved. In the beginning of the research, environmental conditions and assumptions are settled. Depending on relationships between the new sink and the active sink, which will request aggregation data or non-aggregation data, here are four algorithms proposed. The following research will evaluate among these four algorithms then choose one that can transmit data correctly with least power consumption. The Results of simulation shows that the hop counts can be reduced efficiently by our routing strategies .


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