  • 學位論文


The Effectiveness Exploration for Heat Absorbing Plate

指導教授 : 何三平


近年來台灣經濟發展蓬勃,建築物也越蓋越高,人們更懂得享受大空間或挑高空間的設計,這些建築物不外乎是大賣場、機場、車站、捷運站等。而這些場所因根據各類場所消防安全設備設置標準第四十七條第二項規定,當撒水頭迴水板離天花板超過30公分時須設置集熱板。但其設置集熱板之情形皆有不同之情況,其集熱板對於撒水設備之有效性是值得進行探討。本研究另針對是否設置兩層式撒水頭及搭配集熱板之比較亦進行探討以進行其可行性分析。綜合上述實驗之結果進行探討與分析以得到對於集熱板之設置實質性探討。 首先針對於國內、外設置集熱板現況進行蒐集,共計22件設置集熱板之情況,分析並進行FDS模擬得知現今裝設集熱板情形,其有效性只位於火源火羽區範圍(fire plume)內,才能使其達到有效蓄熱之效果。與相關美國集熱板滅火試驗所得到的結果相同,因此對於現今裝設集熱板與未設集熱板之情境皆須位於火源之火羽區範圍(fire plume)才能使其達到作動之基準。且根據實驗結果進行比對證實裝設集熱板並未能增加撒水頭蓄熱之效果。並與本案所蒐集之國內設計案例進行分析比較後,可發現其目前設置集熱板之情形皆屬無效。 根據國內外法規規範其撒水頭下方有障礙物時會造成撒水障礙,故本研究方法以實驗平台與天花板距離分別為5.3公尺與4.1公尺,而撒水頭裝設位於離平台高度5.2公尺與4公尺高進行不同遮蔽率時,撒水頭下方之障礙物是否會造成撒水障礙。實驗結果發現:當撒水頭位於5.2公尺時,無論遮蔽率0%、35%、70%,因撒水頭設置過高導致撒水失效,障礙物上方撒水頭作動時間既不穩定,且作動後也無法使下層火災達到滅火,但位於障礙物上方撒水頭仍可防範於風管、管線等障礙物上方之火災。而撒水頭位於4公尺且天花板為4.1公尺時,當撒水頭下方無障礙物時,才能夠有效達到滅火之情形。因此,建議消防主管機關應將障礙物上方之撒水頭仍應設置以控制上層火災之部分,而應將設置於障礙物下方之自動撒水設備改採取定溫式探測器連動開放式撒水頭,才能有效的達到下層防護機制。


22 cases using heat absorbing plate of occupancies are found and some scenarios are also simulated by FDS. The results show the heat absorbing plate did not absorb the heat and the sprinkler can only be actuated during fire when it is located within the fire plume. This result is similar to the literature review for the effectiveness of heat absorbing plates. Based on the laws which cover the sprinkler obstruction caused when there are obstacles right below the sprinkler heads, this research focused on using an experiment platform and the ceiling at distances of 5.3m and 4.1m. The sprinkler heads were installed at 5.2m and 4m away from the platform, and under different shielding rates, they were experimented whether or not there would be sprinkling obstruction. Experiment results showed when the sprinkler heads were at distance of 5.2m, the sprinklers would all fail to extinguish the fire as a result of being too far away from the fire, regardless of whether the shielding rate was 0%, 35%, or 70%. The actuation time of the sprinklers on the upper layer of the obstacles was unstable and could not effectively extinguish the fire on the lower layer of the obstacles, but they could still protect the areas above the obstacles, like HVAC systems and pipelines. When the sprinkler heads were at distance of 4m with the ceiling at 4.1m, the sprinklers could only extinguish the fire if the shielding rate was at 0%. It is recommended that the National Fire Agency continues to use existing sprinkler heads to handle fires on the upper layers of the obstacles, but switch the sprinklers on the lower layers to fixed temperature detectors linked open head sprinklers in order to assure the protection of the lower layers of the obstacles.


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