  • 學位論文


A study of Relational, Structural, Cognitive embeddedness impact on Entrepreneurial Behavior and Performance-Organizational Sensemaking Perspective

指導教授 : 莊立民
共同指導教授 : 劉春初


本研究主要在探討關係鑲嵌、結構鑲嵌、認知鑲嵌對於企業創業行為與組織績效之影響,研究對象為23家金融服務業。本研究之理論發展基礎主要是組織間的網絡對於公司層級創業行為的影響,創業行為有兩種形式,分別為漸進式創新與躍進式創新。此外,本研究論及意會的概念,主要係源自組織共同進化的歴程,而結構性相嵌會影響創業行為。因此,本研究採用Weick(1995)所提出的意會觀點,而意會是個人或組織在社會共同演化的歷程,當個人或組織面對模糊的情境時,透過意會的歷程將有助於行為的引導。本研究之研究方法包括:層級迴歸、複迴歸分析與結構方程模式。 本研究的中心論點把結構鑲嵌視為一個完整的網絡,網絡內還包括另外兩種概念,即為關係鑲嵌以及認知鑲嵌。個人與集體皆會影響漸進式與躍進式的創業行為。本研究的研究模式之主要核心概念是植基於組織內與組之間的組織意會過程如何影響創業行為,此研究模型將使得研究方向更趨向於動態以及共同演化歷程。 總而言之,本研究的研究模式主要著重在以企業間的網絡做為分析的主要單位,構念之間的關係主要建立在組織間與組織內的組織意會關係,這些互動關係將顯著影響企業的創業行為。藉由定義構念與發展假設來推測本研究構念間的關係,本研究之研究結果將有助於後續研究者進行相關的實證研究。


This thesis reports the results of a study designed to investigate the impact of relational, structural, cognitive embeddedness on entrepreneurial behavior and performance in a sample of 156 in financial service industry. We develop a theory of the effects of inter-organizational networks on both radical and incremental forms of firm-level entrepreneurial behavior (EB). We will argue that sensemaking drives the co-evolutionary processes. We use "sensemaking" in the way Weick (1995) does, as an individual and social process by which organization members form understandings from what they experience as ambiguous situations, and then use these understandings to guide behavior.Hierarchy regression,multiple regression and SEM was used to investigate the relationship between constructs. The central argument is that structural embeddedness , With its focus on the network as a whole, and its two consequences, relational and cognitive embeddedness , individually and collectively influence incremental and radical forms of EB. Relationships in our model are driven by reciprocal interactions between intra-and inter-organizational sensemaking. This reasoning leads us to a dynamic, co-evolutionary model of EB. In conclusion, we extend firm and managerial explanations of EB by focusing on inter-firm networks as the primary unit of analysis. The underlying mechanisms driving these relationships are intra-and inter-organizational sensemaking. The ongoing reciprocal interaction between these two levels of analysis pro¬duces dynamic, co-evolutionary effects on EB. By defining the concepts and developing specific hypotheses about these relationships, we hope that we have suggested an agenda for future empirical research.


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